Podcast Index

Welcome to The Firmament! There is a wealth of information waiting for you to explore in The Firmament Podcasts! Here is an index of each and every episode and what is covered in the presentations. Pick an episode on the left or search by topics and click on the podcast episode number in parenthesis on the right.

Episodes with Topics

Episode 48: The Foundation in Zion 5
Enoch, the father of Prophecy
Isaiah in the Words of Jesus
Jonah and the Whale
The Man Called Jesus
The Tree of Life

Episode 47: The Foundation in Zion 4
God Created the Heavens
Isaiah in the Words of Jesus
The Prophet Amos
The Time of Tribulation

Episode 46: The Foundation in Zion 3
The Prophet Elijah
A Prophet like Moses 2
The Prophets in the Words of Jesus
The Prophet Habakkuk 3

Episode 45: The Foundation in Zion 2
The Song of the Prophets
The Prophet Habakkuk 2
The Law and the Prophets
What is the Foundation 2

Episode 44: The Foundation in Zion
The Apostles and the Prophets
What is the Foundation
The Prophet Habakkuk
The Apostles and the Lost Sheep
A Prophet like Moses

Episode 43: The Messianic Kingdom 2
Purpose of the Kingdom
Where is the Messianic Kingdom?
What makes a Kingdom Messianic?
When is the Messianic Age – The Righteous Measure

Episode 42: The Messianic Kingdom
Messianic Kingdom – What is it?
Man in the Moon
Messenger of the Covenant
Messianic Age

Episode 41: The End is in the Beginning 8
The Fallen Angels
The Sword of the Lord, Part 2
The Hidden Manna, Part 3
144,000 Children of the Promise
Jacob and Esau, Part 6

Episode 40: The End is in the Beginning 7
The Works of Abraham
144,000 Servants of God
Jacob and Esau, Part 5
The Hidden Manna Part 2

Episode 39: The End is in the Beginning 6
Light vs. Darkness
Jacob and Esau 4 – Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream
The Hidden Manna
The Sword of the Lord
The Children of the Tribes of Israel

Episode 38: The End is in the Beginning 5
What is The Firmament?
The Works of Abraham
Jacob and Esau 3
The Hundred and Forty Four Thousand

Episode 37: The End is in the Beginning 4
The Kingdom of Heaven
Jacob and Esau, Part 2
The Sword of the LORD and Gideon
The Second Adam and Eve
The Sixth Seal, Part 2

Episode 36: The End is in the Beginning 3
Let there be Light
Jacob and Esau
David and Goliath
The First Fruits
The Sixth Seal

Episode 35: The End is in the Beginning 2
God’s Timeline and the Fifth Seal
Cain and Abel, Part 2
Noah and the Flood
Joseph as a Shadow of Jesus

Episode 34: The End is in the Beginning
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Tree of Life
Cain and Abel
The Seven Seals

Episode 33: In the Last Days 7
Before the Passover
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Two Lambs of God
Dead Sea Scrolls – Midrash on the Last Days
Passover – Day of the Lord

Episode 32: In The Last Days 6 (Passover)
Lamb of God
Passover Meal
Apocalypse – Lamb
Passover Moon

Episode 31: In the Last Days 5
The Light of Knowledge
Signs in the Heavens – The Solar Eclipse, Part 2
The Menorah – Light of Seven Days
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – The Four Living Creatures
Kingdom of Heaven in Heavens

Episode 30: In the Last Days 4
Is Esther connected to Ishtar?
Signs in the Heavens – The Solar Eclipse
The Final Exodus
The Third Day
The Murder of Jesus, Why?

Episode 29: In the Last Days 3
A New Year and April Fools
Origins of Annunciation Day
Palm Sunday
Easter, Holy Day or Holiday
The Wicked

Episode 28: In the Last Days 2
Refined By Fire
Who Is Israel?
The Second Beast
The Second Exodus

Episode 27: In the Last Days
The Latter Days
Wounded Beast and the Book of Life
The Tried of God
The Judgement

Episode 26: Signs of the End 5
The Ten Horns of the Beast
Whom God Will Send
The Mark and The Seal
The In-gathering
Signs in the Prophet Esdras – Part 2

Episode 25: Signs of the End 4
He Whom God has sent
The Seven Heads of the Beast
The Mark of the Beast
The End in Fire

Episode 24: Signs of the End 3
Revelation of the Wicked
Prophecy of the Last Days
Signs of the End in Current Events
Signs in the Prophet Esdras
Why is there a Tribulation

Episode 23: Signs of the End 2
Apostolic Succession
Building the Temple, Part 2
When is the End?
War In Heaven

Episode 22: Signs of the End
Signs of the End
Building the Temple
The Whore and the Beast

Episode 21: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 4
Believe and Receive, Part 3
Veneration of the Dead, Part 2
The Sign of the Cross, Part 2
The Eucharist

Episode 20: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 3
Believe and Receive, Part 2
Veneration of the Dead
The Sign of the Cross
The Resurrection from the Dead
The Second Coming, Part 2

Episode 19: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible 2
Mortal Sin
Believe and Receive
Modern Christianity
The Doctrine of the Trinity, Part 2

Episode 18: Are your Biblical beliefs in the Bible
The Doctrine of Original Sun
Is Jesus God?
The Doctrine of the Trinity
Physical resurrection
The Second Coming of Jesus

Episode 17: Hanukah, New Years and Carnival
Hanukkah History
Why is there no Peace on Earth?
New Years Eve

Episode 16: Christmas, Epiphany and Hanukah
Exposing the root of the Christmas Tree
Christmas vs. Saturnalia
How and Why Christianity became Pagan
Epiphany tradition
The Feast of Hanukkah

Episode 15: More about Christmas
Christmas in early America and the Old Testament
Is Christmas mentioned in the Bible?
Santa Claus – righteous or wicked?
The True Virgin Birth
The Winter Solstice as it relates to Christmas

Episode 14: What about Christmas
The Virgin Birth and the spirit of Anti-Christ
Immaculate conception and its ancient origins
The meaning of the term Christ-Mass
The Origin of the Christmas Tree
A Brief History of Christmas

Episode 13: Parables of the Lord 4
The Wise and Foolish Builders, Part 2
The Wedding Feast and Garment, Part 2
The Ten Virgins
The Good Samaritan, Part 5
The Good Shepherd

Episode 12: Parables of the Lord 3
The Talents
The Three Measures of Meal
The Wedding Feast and Garment, Part 1
The Good Samaritan, Part 4
The Wise and Foolish Builders, Part 1

Episode 11: What about Thanksgiving?
A momentous Occasion – Plymouth Rock
Native American Heritage Day
Vain Traditions, Giving Thanks
Ancient Harvest Festivals
A True Thanksgiving, Good Samaritan

Episode 10: Parables of the Lord 2
The Sower
The Sheep and the Goats
The Wicked Husbandmen, Part 2
The Fig Tree
The Good Samaritan, Part 2

Episode 9: Parables of the Lord
The Good Samaritan, Part 1
The Wheat and the Tares
The Wicked Tenants (Husbandmen), Part 1
The Wedding Feast

Episode 8: Spirit vs. Flesh
Filled with the Spirit, Men as Trees
Food For Thought
The Day of the Dead, Halloween
Flesh is Flesh – Spirit is Spirit, The Trees in the Garden

Episode 7: The Promised Land
The Land of Milk and Honey
Is The Promised Land a Physical Place on Earth?
Thievery of the Promised Land
Spies Sent to the Land of Canaan
The Promised Land – Moriah?

Episode 6: The Books, Part 2
The Book of Jubilees
The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Second Book of Baruch
The Lost Chapter of Acts of the Apostles

Episode 5: The Books, Part 1
The Book of Enoch
The Book of Jasher
The Apocrypha
The Nag Hammadi Library
The Book of Barnabas

Episode 4: The Covenant
The Covenant with Abraham
The Stars and The Covenant
The New Covenant
The Messenger of the Covenant

Episode 3: What is Idolatry to God?
Idolatry – The Deception of Mankind
Idolatry and Adultery, Is there a Connections?
Why does god Hate Idolatry?
The Insanity of Idolatry
Abraham & The Origins of Idolatry

Episode 2: The Sabbath of the Lord
The Sabbath Day
The Sabbath connected with the Book of Revelation
What did Jesus Teach about the Sabbath
The Day of Rest – The Sabbath
What should you rest from on the Sabbath

Episode 1: The Firm Proof of the Creator
The Mile and the Measurements of the Celestial Bodies
Noah’s Ark
Why God was so specific with Measurements
What Time is it?
The Righteous Measure

Topics with Episodes


Abraham & The Origins of Idolatry (3)
The Covenant with Abraham (4)
The Works of Abraham (38, 40)

The Second Adam and Eve (37)

Abomination of Desolation
The Mark of the Beast (25)

Idolatry and Adultery, Is there a Connections? (3)

The Prophet Amos (47)

The Fallen Angels (41)

The Virgin Birth and the spirit of Anti-Christ (14)

Annunciation Day
Origins of Annunciation Day (29)

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (31, 32, 33, 34)

The Apostles
The Apostles and the Lost Sheep (44)
The Apostles and the Prophets (44)

Apostolic Succession (23)

April Fools
A New Year and April Fools (29)


David and Goliath (36)
The Mark of the Beast (25)
The Ten Horns of the Beast (26)
The Second Beast (28)
The Seven Heads of the Beast (25)
The Whore and the Beast (22)
Wounded Beast and the Book of Life (27)

Believe and Receive (19, 20, 21)

Book of Life
Wounded Beast and the Book of Life (27)

Books outside of the Bible (5, 6)
The Apocrypha
The Book of Barnabas
The Second Book of Baruch
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Book of Enoch
The Book of Jasher
The Book of Jubilees
The Lost Chapter of Acts of the Apostles
The Nag Hammadi Library
The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs

The Wise and Foolish Builders (12, 13)


Cain and Abel (34, 35)

Carnival (17)

How and Why Christianity became pagan (16)
Modern Christianity (19)

Christmas (14, 15, 16)
A Brief History of Christmas (14)
Christmas vs. Saturnalia (16)
Christmas in Early America and the Old Testament (15)
Is Christmas mentioned in the Bible? (15)
Exposing the Root of the Christmas Tree (16)
The meaning of the term Christ-Mass (14)
The Origin of the Christmas Tree (14)
The Winter Solstice as it relates to Christmas (15)

Circumcision (8)

The Covenant
The Covenant with Abraham (4)
The Messenger of the Covenant (4, 42)
The New Covenant (4)
The Stars and The Covenant (4)

The Creator
The Firm Proof of the Creator (1)
God Created the Heavens (47)

The Sign of the Cross (20, 21)


David and Goliath (36)

Day of the Dead (8)

Dead Sea Scrolls (6)
DSS – Midrash on the Last Days (33)


Easter, Holy Day or Holiday (29)
The Third Day (30)
The Murder of Jesus, Why? (30)

The Prophet Elijah (46)

The End in Fire (25)
Signs of the End (22)
Signs of the End in Current Events (24)
When is the End? (23)

Enoch, the father of Prophecy (48)

Epiphany Tradition (16)

Jacob and Esau (36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41)

Esdras / Ezra
Signs in Esdras (24, 26)

Is Esther connected to Ishtar? (30)

The Eucharist (21)

The Final Exodus (30)
The Second Exodus (28)


The Prophet Habakkuk 2 (44)

Refined By Fire (28)
The End in Fire (25)

What is The Firmament? (38)

First Fruits
The First Fruits (36)

Noah and the Flood (35)

Food for Thought (8)

The Foundation
What is the Foundation (44, 45)

Four Living Creatures
The Four Living Creatures (31)


The Wedding Feast and Garment (12, 13)

Gideon (37)

God Created the Heavens (47)

Good Samaritan (9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

Good Shepherd (13)


The Prophet Habakkuk (44, 45, 46)

The Feast of Hanukkah (16)
Hanukkah History (17)

God Created the Heavens (47)
The Kingdom of Heaven (37)
War in Heaven (23)

Halloween (8)

The Ten Horns (26)


Idolatry (3)
Idolatry – The Deception of Mankind (3)
Idolatry and Adultery, Is there a Connections? (3)
Why does god Hate Idolatry? (3)
The Insanity of Idolatry (3)
Abraham & The Origins of Idolatry (3)

The In-gathering (26)

Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Conception and its ancient origins (14)

Isaiah in the Words of Jesus (47, 48)

Is Esther connected to Ishtar? (30)

Who Is Israel? (28)
The Children of the Tribes of Israel (39)


Jacob and Esau (36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41)

Is Jesus God? (18)
The Man Called Jesus (48)
The Prophets in the Words of Jesus (46)
Isaiah in the Words of Jesus (47, 48)
Joseph as a Shadow of Jesus (35)
What did Jesus Teach about the Sabbath (2)

Jonah and the Whale (48)

Joseph as a Shadow of Jesus (35)

The Judgement (27)


The Kingdom of Heaven (37, 42, 43)


Lambs of God
Two Lambs of God (33)
Lamb of God (32)

Latter Days
The Latter Days (27)

The Law
The Law and the Prophets (45)

Let there be Light (36)
Light vs. Darkness (38)


The Hidden Manna (39, 40, 41)

The Mark
The Mark and the Seal (26)
The Mark of the Beast (25)

The Mile and the Measurements of the Celestial Bodies (1)
Why God was so specific with Measurements (1)
The Righteous Measure (1)

The Messenger of the Covenant (4, 42)

Messianic Kingdom / Age (42, 43)
The Purpose (43)
Where is it? (43)
When is it? (42, 43)
What makes a Kingdom Messianic (43)

The Moon
The Man in the Moon (42)

Mortal Sin (19)

A Prophet like Moses (44, 46)


New Year
A New Year and April Fools (29)
New Years Eve (17)

Noah and the Flood (35)

Numbers in God’s Word
144,000 (38, 39, 40, 41)


Original Sin (18)


Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday (29)

Parables of the Lord (9, 10, 12, 13)
The Fig Tree (10)
The Good Samaritan (9, 10, 11, 12, 13)
The Good Shepherd (13)
The Talents (12)
The Ten Virgins (13)
The Three Measures of Meal (12)
The Sheep and the Goats (10)
The Sower (10)
The Wedding Feast and Garment (9, 12, 13)
The Wheat and the Tares
The Wicked Husbandmen (Tenants) (9,10)
The Wise and Foolish Builders (12, 13)

Before the Passover (33)
Passover – Day of the Lord (33)
Passover Meal (32)
Passover Moon (32)

Why is there no Peace on Earth? (17)

The Promised Land
The Land of Milk and Honey (8)
The Promised Land – Moriah? (8)
Is the Promised Land a Physical Place? (8)
Spies sent to the Land of Canaan (8)
Thievery of the Promised Land (8)

Prophecy in the Last Days (24)

The Prophets
The Apostles and the Prophets (44)
The Prophet Amos (47)
The Prophet Elijah (46)
The Prophet Habakkuk (44, 45, 46)
The Prophets in the Words of Jesus (46, 47, 48)
The Law and the Prophets (45)
A Prophet like Moses (44, 46)
The Song of the Prophets (44)

Proof of the Creator (1)
The Mile and the Measurements of the Celestial Bodies
Noah’s Ark
Why God was so specific with Measurements
What Time is it?
The Righteous Measure


Rapture (22)

Physical resurrection (18)
Resurrection from the Dead (20)

The Book of Revelation
Revelation 6 (31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37)
The Sabbath connected with the Book of Revelation (2)

Revelation of the Wicked (24)


Sabbath (2)
The Sabbath Day (2)
The Sabbath connected with the Book of Revelation (2)
What did Jesus Teach about the Sabbath (2)
The Day of Rest – The Sabbath (2)
What should you rest from on the Sabbath (2)

The Good Samaritan (9, 10, 11, 12, 13)

Santa Claus
Santa Claus – righteous or wicked? (15)

Christmas vs. Saturnalia (16)

God’s Timeline and the Fifth Seal (35)
The Mark and The Seal (26)
The Seven Seals (33)
The Sixth Seal (36, 37)

Second Coming of Jesus (18, 20)

Sent by God
Whom God Will Send (26)
He Whom God has sent (25)

The Seven Heads (25)

The Sheep and the Goats (10)
The Apostles and the Lost Sheep (44)

The Good Shepherd (13)

Signs in the Heavens
The Solar Eclipse (30, 31)

Signs of the End (22, 23, 24, 25, 26)
Signs of the End in Current Events (24)

Solar Eclipse
The Solar Eclipse (30, 31)

The Sower (10)

Filled with the Spirit (8)
Flesh is Flesh, Spirit is Spirit (8)

The Stars and The Covenant (4)

Suppersessionism (22)

Sword of the Lord
The Sword of the Lord (39, 41)
The Sword of the LORD and Gideon (37)


Talents (12)

Building The Temple (22, 23)

Thanksgiving (11)

Three Measures of Meal (12)

God’s Timeline and the Fifth Seal (35)
The Seven Seals (34)
The Time of Tribulation (47)

Exposing the Root of the Christmas Tree (16)
The Fig Tree (10)
Men as Trees (8)
The Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil (34)
The Tree of Life (34, 48)
The Origin of the Christmas Tree (14)

The Time of Tribulation (47)
Why is there a Tribulation (24)

Tried of God
The Tried of God (27)

The Doctrine of the Trinity (18,19)


Vain Traditions
Vain Traditions, Giving Thanks (11)

Veneration of the Dead (20, 21)

Virgin Birth
The Virgin Birth and the spirit of Anti-Christ (14)
The True Virgin Birth (15)

The Ten Virgins (13)


War in Heaven (23)

Wedding Feast
The Wedding Feast and Garment (9, 12, 13)

Wheat and the Tares (9)

Revelation of the Wicked (24)
The Wicked (29)
The Wicked Husbandmen (9,10)

Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice as it relates to Christmas (15)

The Whore and the Beast (22)

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