
Which Witch is Which?

Halloween and witches go hand-in-hand. Parents dress their kids up as witches, adults dress up as witches and witch hats, brooms and black cats decorate storefronts and house porches. Nowadays people treat the idea of witches as just silly costumes and customs to ‘celebrate’ Halloween. Halloween and witches are not something to be celebrated.

It wasn’t all that long ago when accusations of being a witch were a deadly matter, but those witch accusers are not all that innocent themselves. What we have here is a case of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’ that has resulted in the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Witches, sorcerers and those who practice witchcraft are in fact real people, although their ‘witchcraft’ is not based on reality, just a figment of their imaginations. Ironically, pointy hats are involved, just not the ones you’re thinking of.

Columbus Day and the Doctrine of Discovery

Columbus makes landfall

Columbus Day rolls around every October as a Federal Holiday to remember the ‘discovery’ of America in 1492. As everyone is fully aware, Columbus did not ‘discover’ a barren and unpopulated land. Quite the opposite. There were people, some say 100 million+ people living in North and South America at the time of Columbus’ arrival. But as the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ makes clear, those people were considered ‘barbarous’ and therefore did not have any claim to the lands they had occupied for millennia.

Recently, Columbus Day has been replaced in many cities and states by Indigenous Peoples Day in response to the relocation and outright genocide of Native Americans. The Papal Bull titled ‘Demarcation Bull Granting Spain Possession of Lands Discovered by Columbus’ dated May 4, 1493 is now referred to as the ‘Doctrine of Discovery‘, a document you should read. This document became the foundation for land rights still incorporated into the Laws of North and South American countries to this day. In the US, the most recent reference to it was in a legal case brought before the Supreme Court in 2005.

Back to the Basics: Noah’s Ark

Noah's Ark with Rainbow

The story of Noah’s Ark and the Flood has been taught throughout the world to billions of people, most when they were very young kids. For many it’s one of the first ‘Bible Stories’ they hear. Thousands of children’s books are sold with brightly colored graphics depicting a happy Noah in a boat filled with adorable smiling animals and framed by a rainbow. What’s amazing is this is not even, in the remotest sense, a children’s story. It is a much more serious scenario that most adults, due to their first introduction to it as children, have never considered. Are you ready to consider it now?

Q&A: When Did Jesus Become God?

The majority of ‘Christian’ denominations believe that Jesus is God. Some say he became God at the moment of his creation inside Mary, the immaculate conception of God by God. Others believe Jesus became God when he was physically born. Still others think it was at his baptism by John the Baptist. If so, John was one powerful guy! And lastly, some point to his resurrection. As Jesus ‘raised from the dead’ he simultaneously became divine or God. But there is a fifth, much overlooked, point in time when Jesus actually ‘became’ God. Want to know when that was?

Christmas – The Christ Mass

The Christmas Season has once again, come upon the earth.  This is the annual period of festivities centered around the winter solstice and the birth of the Sun… or Son as it is now taught. If the purpose of this ‘holy’ day is to celebrate the supposed day of Jesus’ birth why isn’t this day simply called Christ’s Birthday.  Why is it instead called Christmas?  Learn where this term comes from and why it matters.

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