
Pope’s Hypocrisy – This Month

For the pontifex, this month has been a doozie.  Three incidents highlight the hypocrisy of the Vatican on the World stage.

Wealth of Catholic Inc. in Australia, Insurers Pay Abused

Church WealthOne of the first detailed investigations into the overall wealth of the Catholic church has just been completed in Australia.  The conservative estimate values the Church in Australia alone at a whopping $30 Billion.  Yes, Billion with a B.  At the same time, Francis came out asking for retired prelates to live more simply and to shun power.  $30Billion dollars buys a lot of power.  The pontifex has asked US donors for $25 Million to back a loan for a scandal-plagued hospital in Rome.  The donors should tell Francis to pay for it himself!  If the church is worth $30 Billion in Australia, how much is it worth in the rest of the world?!

Violence on the Rise

Violence in America is on the rise. This week another school shooting occurred in Florida bringing the year’s mass shooting death toll to 21. There have been eight school shootings in 2018 or just over one per week. With that trend and 45 weeks still to go in the year, what are the leaders of the US doing to deter the next 1, 5 or 45 school shootings? Nothing. The leaders are giving lip service to God while encouraging violence. Let’s look at how.

Traditions Make Void the Word of God

The Christmas Tree, advent calendar, Christmas stocking, the mistletoe and candle light services are all traditions followed as a way of celebrating the Christmas Holiday.  God’s Word warns that traditions make void the Word of God, therefore, you should stop and ask yourself, “Is God referring to any of my traditions?”  How exactly do traditions make the Word of God “void”?

Don’t Give Thanks, Seek God

Thanksgiving is not a Holy Day from God.  It is a National Holiday created for the purpose of celebrating war victories.  The Thanksgiving narrative taught today differs greatly from the original presidential proclamations.   The “first Thanksgiving” in 1621, is portrayed as a three-day harvest celebration between the pilgrims and the Native American Indians.  Most accounts neglect to acknowledge what happened next in history.  The Indians were driven from their lands and massacred.  This was hardly the start of a period to remember with thankfulness.  The “discovery” of America turned into the start of many wars in a new land.

Reformation or Re-Branding?

October 31st, 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Protestant Reformation.  Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther published his 95-theses document challenging doctrines of the Catholic church.  The importance placed on the practice of selling indulgences, the false security it gave to those who purchased them and the true destination of the collected money offended Luther.

Martin Luther’s 95 Theses

Martin Luther’s 2nd thesis states “This word (“repent”) cannot be understood as referring to the sacrament of penance, that is, confession and satisfaction, as administered by the clergy.”  Thesis 35 states “They who teach that contrition is not necessary on the part of those who intend to buy souls out of purgatory or to buy confessional privileges, preach unchristian doctrine.”

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