A heavenly glow
Of unceasing Light
To praise my God
All through the night
With a trumpet to blow
It is my command
To awaken His Elect
To the Kingdom at hand
To discern is to see or have understanding, to perceive with your mind. To have vision. To discern right from wrong, good from bad, light from darkness.
King Solomon discerned the True Mother, 1Kings 3:16-28
“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the Law, happy/blessed is he.”
The Coronation Ceremony for the new king in Great Britain will take place in just a few days on May 6, 2023. It is an occasion celebrated with great pomp and ceremony.
The Crown, the anointing, the symbols of heraldry, the hymns and the precious jewels all help to confirm the Israelite origins of the people of Britain and their brethren of the United States colonies. They are symbolized as the twin sons of Joseph, son of Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham, having the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to reign over them as king. The name, ‘Saxon’, means Isaac’s-sons.
The legend of the ‘Sword in the Stone’ or Excalibur is the mythical sword of King Arthur associated with the rightful sovereignty of Britain. Whosoever can pull the Sword from the Stone is deemed to be the rightful heir to the throne and the crown. This story is also based on a story of the Biblical Deliverer and Lawgiver, Moses.
“Some of the symbolism within the coronation ceremony for British monarchs perpetuates the ancient Roman Catholic monarchical ideas. This ceremony is nearly entirely based upon that of the Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor.”
All the pomp comes in from the Roman Empire, but the anointing of King David was quite simple. So, let’s separate the two, Israel and Rome, and see what these things mean in reality. In the many recent articles and videos covering this subject, references to King Solomon and ‘God’s Chosen’ have been frequently heard. So, what were the instructions of the LORD God made to his father, King David, through Moses?
The Prophet Samuel anointing God’s chosen king, David
According to the encyclopedia: “the Passover sacrifice, also known as the Paschal lamb or the Passover lamb, is the sacrifice that the Torah mandates the Israelites to ritually slaughter on the evening of Passover, and eat on the first night of the holiday with bitter herbs and matzo.”
Take a look here and see how much deeper the meaning of this Feast goes as it relates to Christ, our Salvation and Deliverance. For the time is at hand!
Today, November 8, 2022, the full Moon passed through the earth’s shadow, giving the earth a beautiful light show in a total Lunar Eclipse and what is known as a ‘Blood Moon‘. The Moon turning to Blood is mentioned in Scripture, but what does it signify?
This Memorial day is a time of Prayer for the forgiveness of trespasses/sins against God, and a returning to Him for mercy and the restoration of the House of Israel. It is a time to “Repent and Return to the Father, to do Judgment, Justice and Righteousness.” Jesus taught this perfectly when he made the perfect atonement offering.