I am a beautiful reflection
Of the Sun’s affection
Loved by the Sun
Kissed by the Moon
The apple of my Daddy’s eye
A twinkle in the evening sky
Sometimes the first; sometimes the last
I am the future; I am the past
Although I sometimes don’t appear
Be assured, I’m always here
Oh what a time of pure chaos and confusion! This day for instance, Ash Wednesday, a day of “penance and prayer” for “Christians” to remember their mortality because after all: “from dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return” Coincidentally, it happens to land on Valentine’s Day, a day of indulgent love and sexual rituals with all the candy, surf and turf, cakes and goodies and wine you can eat and drink. What a contradiction! What are you gonna do? The Lenten period is supposed to be a time of penance, abstinence and fasting. The truth of the matter is that it’s all worthless paganism! Just leave it alone.
Ash Wednesday penitents – paganism – a source of confusion
Some think the mass killings and violence that are taking place recently in the United States are due to the second amendment of the U. S. Constitution, which gives citizens the right to bear arms. The original intent of this right was to have a citizenry willing and able to defend the country from foreign invaders if need be. This right is being sabotaged by foreign invaders. As the debate over gun laws continues, sales have soared. Every mass shooting incident has become a “good for business” opportunity so it might be considered a false flag. As “what manner of man the ruler of the city is, such are they that dwell therein.”
An article dated January 5, 2016, Guns in the US: The statistics behind the violence, points out that “The US spends more than a trillion dollars per year defending itself against terrorism…” Taking a look at the US military budget we find: “The U.S. military budget is $824.6 billion. That’s the budget for Fiscal Year 2018 which covers the period October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. Military spending is the second largest federal government expenditure. U.S. military spending is larger than the next nine countries combined.” Over the last ten-year period it adds up to over $7 Trillion! The current National Debt of the US is already over $21 Trillion which comes out to over $63,000 per citizen just in National Debt. They boast of being the “most powerful nation on earth” but who are they afraid of? …
In the recently published Guardian’s list of the 100 best non-fiction books, the King James Bible comes in right under the wire at the 100 spot! Amazing! The English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon peoples on both sides of the pond are enamored with the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. And why not? It’s their heritage! In fact the Bible is the best-selling and most widely distributed book of all time. Jerome’s Catholic Vulgate version was the first to be printed on the Gutenberg printing press introduced into the “Holy Roman Empire” around 1440 AD. It actually put the axe to the roots of Roman Catholicism since it has nothing to do with idolatrous Rome. The authorized King James Version was published in 1611 AD addressed to God’s people, the descendants of Israel. Many people have lost their lives and had unspeakable things done to them (i.e. The Inquisition) over this book throughout history.
Catholic priests burning the books of the Cathari
The article states: “The first New England settlements always championed the use of the Geneva Bible, a text that appealed to separatist congregations. However, by a remarkable paradox, towards the end of the 17th century, the King James Bible had come to be treasured as much by Americans as by the British.”
To hear the complete story of how the English Bible came to be, click here for an informative video presented by The Firmament titled, “Origins of the Bible.” …
One hundred and four years ago the Federal Reserve System was established in America. On December 23, 1913 the fruit of a criminal conspiracy came about by an act of Congress cleverly named the Federal Reserve Act, since it is neither federal nor does it hold anything in reserve. It was a usurpation of power given to Congress to control currency by way of the U.S. Constitution. The ‘founding fathers’ of this nation were careful to plan it that way so that a ‘central bank’ would not be able to insert itself and enslave the population here as it had done in Britain and Europe with a debt currency. These tyrants used several tricks to bring it about.
Looks like an official Federal Entity!
First, the conspirators met in a secret cabal during the Thanksgiving holiday of 1910. Seven members including a U.S. Senator, Nelson Aldrich, stole away to plot and plan to bring about the central banking system to take over control of US currency. They cleverly decided it would be called the Federal Reserve System. That system is designed to take all that the population can produce putting future generations on the hook to pay infinitely for a debt created by them “out of thin air.”
Santa Claus seems to be a kind old man bearing gifts. But parents completely ignore the fact that the origins of this character are paganism, materialism, consumerism and pedophilia. They willingly hand their children over to it.
Roman Catholic Bishop Nicholas, “patron saint of children and altar boys”. He now comes in many different colors.
There is rampant pedophilia within the Roman Catholic clergy and has been for quite some time. It should be easy to make the connection between the massive child abuse and this custom of giving the children over to such a ‘god-man’ who “knows if they’ve been bad or good”?
The image of “Santa Claus” is merely a marketing ploy to make the merchants of the earth rich. The children are taught to “pray” to him as a “false god” for all their wants and wishes and to believe that if they’re “good” their wishes will be fulfilled. It is idolatry and evil in the eyes of God and it only serves to provoke Him to anger!