What or Who is the Firmament?
If we look to the Nelson’s Bible Dictionary to find out about the Firmament, it tells us it is an “expanse of sky and space in which the stars and planets are set.” Genesis tells us that God made the Firmament on the second day of creation to divide the waters above from the waters below (Gen 1:6).” and “…on the fourth day of creation God placed the stars, the sun, and the moon in the “Firmament of the heavens.” (Gen 1:15-18).
The Seed of Abraham
The Firmament reflects the greatness of God who created it. God made a Covenant many years ago with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and his seed that keep His Commandments.

“The Firmament shows forth His handiwork.” (Ps 19:1).
In the Day of Tribulation, a time such as there never has been, God’s people will be delivered from evil, and “those who are wise, shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever.” (Dan 12:1-3).
“After this manner you pray, ‘My Father, who is in Heaven, Holy is Your Name; Your kingdom come, Your Will be done, upon earth as it is in heaven… and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…” -Jesus, Mat 6:9