
I am a beautiful reflection Of the Sun’s affection Loved by the Sun Kissed by the Moon The apple of my Daddy’s eye A twinkle in the evening sky Sometimes the first; sometimes the last I am the future; I am the past Although I sometimes don’t appear Be assured, I’m always here

Q&A: “The Valley of Dry Bones”

Question: What is the meaning of “The Valley of Dry Bones”?

The Valley of Dry Bones is a reference to Ezekiel chapter 37 where we find him being carried away and set down in a valley filled with bones. They are a disconnected, dried up body whose bones are scattered, without life. Their hope is gone.

These ‘bones’ are the House of Israel, the Body of Christ.

Saint Bartholomew Remembered

Bartholomew was an Apostle of Jesus Christ. And with this story, comes the legend of the children of Israel, that is Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. It highlights a portion in time when the people of God were in transgression and had been scattered throughout the earth, as they are to this day. For their help, He sent them His servants, the Prophets, His own son, Jesus, and his Apostles. In most every instance, they have been met with hostility and persecution because what they had to say was not well received. But they persevered because they had been sent by God Himself to correct His people and turn them back to Him.

August 24, is celebrated and remembered throughout Christendom as the feast day of the Apostle, Bartholomew. He was numbered among the twelve original Apostles who followed Jesus and were witnesses to all that he said and did. Before he died, Jesus sent them out to teach their brethren all things he had taught them. They were all tortured and killed, as Jesus was, for their testimony except one. That one was John who was exiled and from whom we have the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the Bible. Jesus had twelve Apostles, one for each of the twelve tribes of the House of Israel/Jacob. Bartholomew was also known in the Gospels as Nathaniel. Jesus pointed to him and said, “Behold! an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” (John 1:47)

According to ancient tradition, Christianity was first preached in Armenia by two Apostles of Christ, Thaddeus and Bartholomew. During the first three centuries of Christianity in Armenia its followers had to remain a hidden congregation because of persecution. Indeed Christ led his followers into being persecuted for his name’s sake, as were the Prophets before him. He had told them before-time to expect it. Even Paul/Saul persecuted followers of Christ before his conversion and then after that he himself was killed. (Acts 7-8)

martyrdom of Bartholomew
The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew

Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing – Beware!

Many have tried to solve the identity of these ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing.’ This has been the great “mystery of iniquity” to be revealed at the time of the end! To find out the answer, let’s pay close attention to what Jesus/Y’hoshua said, in context, and then think deeply about what he said. He also said he would reveal things that have been kept secret from the foundation of the world to those who will seek for it, and at the end, ‘the weeds will become plainly visible.’

The Pentecost and the Promise of God

This is a day celebrated by both the ‘Jews’ and the ‘Christians’ only in different ways. This being one of the feasts ordained by God for the children of Israel to observe throughout their generations. It marks the fiftieth day (7 weeks plus one day) after the Passover or Exodus of Israel out of Egypt. It is in commemoration of the day Moses received the Tablets of the Law. This was to establish the Covenant between God and Israel. The Feast of Weeks or Shavuot and to bring in the firstfruits of the harvest.

By some, May 31, 2020 will be celebrated as the Pentecost (the Greek word for fifty). Is it just a day to go to church and pay your tithe or is there something else there hidden from view? What is the significance?

Others, from the evenings of May 28 to May 30 will be celebrating the “Feast of Weeks.” It also commemorates the Feast of the Firstfruits when the firstfruits of the wheat harvest were to be brought before God in thanksgiving. Is it just a harvest or tithe of wheat? Is it a time to eat cheese? Or is there something hidden from view? What is the significance?

Moses with the Tablets of the Law, the Ten Commandments, the Covenant between God and Israel

The Herd Mentality

‘Sheeple’ is a derogatory term for people who follow, like sheep, those who lead them into a herd mentality. People have a tendency to follow the crowd blindly with the great help of mass manipulation. They are tracked and traced and the data collected give the tools to do just that! They have been led into error and destruction. But God knows everything they do and has promised to send a Deliverer like unto Moses for His flock.

“Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto Me; and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring forth My people, out of Egypt.”

The LORD God to Moses, Exodus 3:9-10
‘Sheeple’ follow blindly

Jesus identified the leaders, the priests and governors, in his time as hypocrites and “blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.” Mat 15:14

“I am not sent but unto the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.”

“The Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek; He has sent me to heal/bind up the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance/liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind…”

Jesus, Matthew 15:24, Mark 4:17-19 (Isaiah 61)
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