To ‘Walk with God’ is to be in agreement with Him. In these troublous times it seems that no one can agree with anyone on anything! Unity in Truth can only be found in the Word of the LORD. Truly, ‘Two cannot walk together unless they are in agreement?’
God has promised to send Messengers who will prepare the Way before Him. Seek His Face and walk with Him in agreement.
On February 7th, 2023, Biden will give the annual State of the Union (SOTU) speech. Each year, the US president presents their past achievements and upcoming agendas. Their perspective of the State of the Union is typically ‘strong’. But is it?
The Bulletin for Atomic Scientists, as every January since 1947, has revealed its 2023 “Doomsday Clock” prediction this morning, Tuesday, Jan. 24. The stated purpose is to warn the public about how close humanity is to the brink of worldwide destruction. It is given as a measure of man’s progress toward the end of time.
Doomsday Clock now set at 90 seconds before Midnight
Doom is interpreted as ‘judgment’. It comes from the Hebrew word ‘dan’ which means ‘judge’. Doomsday then is the Day of the Last Judgment at the end of the world or age or ‘Judgment Day’. Who shall stand?
Today’s Headline: “Putin’s nuclear threats move Doomsday Clock closest ever to Armageddon, atomic scientists say:” But what or where is Armageddon?
“Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you in unawareness. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.”
Stonehenge, a circular structure of abandoned stones stands in a field two hours south-west of London. Over the years it has been called a temple, a burial ground, a celestial observatory, an eclipse predictor and just a pile of old stones. Many have dug all around and within Stonehenge and postulated on pottery, deer antlers, clay jars and compaction profiles of the dirt and chalk that make up the ground. Books have been written to “decode”, “solve” or “uncover” Stonehenge and yet there is still very much hidden about who designed it and why.
Stonehenge, like the Pyramid of Giza, is a witness in stone. It is a witness in itself of the Architect who designed it. As for why, well, that is really the most important part and where this article will lead you.
The rulers of this world are forging ahead to establish what they are calling a ‘Great Reset’ with a ‘New Social Contract’. It’s all about economics, employment, and a reset of currencies. The truth is, they know they have not got much time. This Age or time for the world has come to its end. The kingdoms of this world will perish while God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all that is therein, is establishing His Kingdom of Righteousness on Earth, as it is in Heaven with His New Covenant. He has a reset scheduled as well. Which one will it be for you?
The Ark of the Covenant contains the 2 Tablets of the Covenant The Ten Commandments – The Law