Historical information from a biblical perspective in order to better understand the present and the future. If we don’t learn from our past we are doomed to repeat it and where there is no vision, the people perish.
“A City upon a Hill” is a phrase derived from the teaching of Jesus Christ in his ‘Sermon on the Mount’. Its use in political rhetoric is used in United States politics as a declaration of American Exceptionalism, referring to America acting as a “beacon of hope” for the world.
America envisioned as a ‘Shining City on a Hill’
Halloween and witches go hand-in-hand. Parents dress their kids up as witches, adults dress up as witches and witch hats, brooms and black cats decorate storefronts and house porches. Nowadays people treat the idea of witches as just silly costumes and customs to ‘celebrate’ Halloween. Halloween and witches are not something to be celebrated.
It wasn’t all that long ago when accusations of being a witch were a deadly matter, but those witch accusers are not all that innocent themselves. What we have here is a case of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’ that has resulted in the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Witches, sorcerers and those who practice witchcraft are in fact real people, although their ‘witchcraft’ is not based on reality, just a figment of their imaginations. Ironically, pointy hats are involved, just not the ones you’re thinking of.
Columbus Day rolls around every October as a Federal Holiday to remember the ‘discovery’ of America in 1492. As everyone is fully aware, Columbus did not ‘discover’ a barren and unpopulated land. Quite the opposite. There were people, some say 100 million+ people living in North and South America at the time of Columbus’ arrival. But as the ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ makes clear, those people were considered ‘barbarous’ and therefore did not have any claim to the lands they had occupied for millennia.
Recently, Columbus Day has been replaced in many cities and states by Indigenous Peoples Day in response to the relocation and outright genocide of Native Americans. The Papal Bull titled ‘Demarcation Bull Granting Spain Possession of Lands Discovered by Columbus’ dated May 4, 1493 is now referred to as the ‘Doctrine of Discovery‘, a document you should read. This document became the foundation for land rights still incorporated into the Laws of North and South American countries to this day. In the US, the most recent reference to it was in a legal case brought before the Supreme Court in 2005.
Under the British Throne there lies a stone. It is known by many names. It is called the Stone of Destiny, the Stone of Scone, Lia Fàil (“Stone of Fate”), the Tanist Stone, and as clach-na-cinneamhain in Scottish Gaelic. The most important name given to this stone, however, is Jacob’s Pillar, or the Stone of Jacob. It prevails today as the Coronation Stone, upon which the monarchs of Ireland, Scotland, and England are crowned. During the coronation ceremonies, the stone is never mentioned and yet it has been there, hidden beneath the throne. It has sat as a silent reminder of God’s Covenant, not only for the people of the United Kingdom but of all the descendants of Jacob scattered throughout the world.
The phrase “knowledge is power” has been attributed to Sir Francis Bacon (1597), an English statesman and philosopher. He is also known as the “father of empiricism.” Empiricism is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience. It emphasizes the role of empirical evidence in the formation of ideas. ‘Empirical evidence’ is information that is acquired by observation or experimentation. The process is a central part of the scientific method. The Latin word for ‘knowledge’ is ‘science’. This is all derived from the wisdom of man. What kind of power can be gained with this method when the data can be so easily manipulated and those who speak the truth are censored and ostracized? They have forgotten the true source of knowledge and power.