
What’s in the News!?  Read all about it!

These articles relate to what’s in the news.  It may be a look at an immediate current event or a look back in history.  These articles will give the biblical perspective of the event by looking at what God has said Scripture.

Response to 2024 State of the Union Address

The State of the Union address should do exactly that. Tell all of the 330+ million Americans what the condition is of their United States. Instead, what the American people were presented with was a speech from Biden that was directed at millionaires and billionaires, citizens of other countries and the lobbyist that direct the politicians sitting in front of him. Let’s take a closer look.

Blinded by Bribery

Is everyone Blind?

When it comes to bribery, politicians or the mob are those who most likely to come to mind. But supervisors at any level in any organization, even religious leaders or judges, can be and have been influenced by bribery. For a nation that claims to be ‘one nation under God’ the prevalence of bribery blatantly contradicts the simple instruction from God against bribery. In this article we are going to look at examples of bribery becoming institutionalized into the ‘American Way.’ A nation cannot claim to follow God, yet at the same time, turn away from His Instructions. God is fully aware of what is going on, and we can look to His Word to find out what He is going to do about it.

“Swear to me”

Out with the old and in with the new! Prince Charles will be crowned the new King of England on Saturday with all the traditions expected from the British Monarchy. He has made his mark already with changes including a “slimmed down” monarchy and his much publicized ‘inclusive’ approach to the role.

One tradition scrapped from the coronation is the loyalty oath taken individually by dukes and lords. This ‘Homage of the Peers’ is said to have taken a whole hour during Elizabeth’s coronation as each lord bent the knee before her and swore to be her loyal subject. Charles decided it would be much more ‘inclusive’ to instead ask the entire Commonwealth to ‘swear to me’ through an ‘homage of the people’, a move that has not gone over well in the UK.

The Coronation, at its heart, is a religious ceremony where Charles ascends to lead the people of the United Kingdom and become the ‘Supreme Governor’ of the Church of England. The church obviously believes it is OK to incorporate oaths in the ceremony, but how does this fit with God’s Word?

Prophecy Monthly – April 2023

This past month has been marred by wars, sexual abuse scandals and extreme solar weather, all prophesied of long ago. The following map is a summary of current events related to prophecy. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic pointing to a future time, and that time is now.

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