
What’s in the News!?  Read all about it!

These articles relate to what’s in the news.  It may be a look at an immediate current event or a look back in history.  These articles will give the biblical perspective of the event by looking at what God has said Scripture.

Jesuit Chaplain – Guilty by Association

Patick Conroy Jesuit House ChaplainPatrick Conroy, a Jesuit Catholic, has been sworn back into office this week as the US House Chaplain after a couple of turbulent weeks.  Paul  Ryan met significant criticism from the Catholic members of Congress after asking for Conroy’s resignation in April.  Initially, Conroy conceded and he turned in a resignation letter.  Conroy rescinded his letter last week after receiving significant support from Nancy Pelosi and others.  His on-again, off-again position in this role has brought the House Chaplain role to the front pages.  What is this role all about and who is Patrick Conroy?  The findings are alarming and full of hypocrisy!

Pope’s Hypocrisy – This Month

For the pontifex, this month has been a doozie.  Three incidents highlight the hypocrisy of the Vatican on the World stage.

Wealth of Catholic Inc. in Australia, Insurers Pay Abused

Church WealthOne of the first detailed investigations into the overall wealth of the Catholic church has just been completed in Australia.  The conservative estimate values the Church in Australia alone at a whopping $30 Billion.  Yes, Billion with a B.  At the same time, Francis came out asking for retired prelates to live more simply and to shun power.  $30Billion dollars buys a lot of power.  The pontifex has asked US donors for $25 Million to back a loan for a scandal-plagued hospital in Rome.  The donors should tell Francis to pay for it himself!  If the church is worth $30 Billion in Australia, how much is it worth in the rest of the world?!

“A Nation in Grief” – A Time of Great Tribulation

On Wednesday, February 14th it happened to be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and the culmination of Carnival, filled with pagan festivities. It was also Valentine’s Day, another pagan ritual. On that same afternoon a disturbed young man walked into a school and shot and killed 17 people and wounded 15 in what is now being called “one of the deadliest school shootings in modern American history.” Trump calls it a “terrible violence, hatred and evil.” In other words, Great Tribulation! “Copycat” threats are now being made to schools all around the nation. “How should one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight except their Rock has sold them…?” This is all Madness of Mind!

The suspect went to his former school and pulled a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle out of his backpack. This rifle is marketed as the “Crusader,” and comes with a biblical verse from Psalm of David, 144, etched in it: “”Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”

"In God we trust"
The Crusader – AR-15

Violence on the Rise

Violence in America is on the rise. This week another school shooting occurred in Florida bringing the year’s mass shooting death toll to 21. There have been eight school shootings in 2018 or just over one per week. With that trend and 45 weeks still to go in the year, what are the leaders of the US doing to deter the next 1, 5 or 45 school shootings? Nothing. The leaders are giving lip service to God while encouraging violence. Let’s look at how.

Chaos and Confusion – A Sign of the Times

Oh what a time of pure chaos and confusion! This day for instance, Ash Wednesday, a day of “penance and prayer” for “Christians” to remember their mortality because after all: “from dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return” Coincidentally, it happens to land on Valentine’s Day, a day of indulgent love and sexual rituals with all the candy, surf and turf, cakes and goodies and wine you can eat and drink. What a contradiction! What are you gonna do? The Lenten period is supposed to be a time of penance, abstinence and fasting. The truth of the matter is that it’s all worthless paganism! Just leave it alone.

Paganism - the source of confusion
Ash Wednesday penitents – paganism – a source of confusion
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