
What’s in the News!?  Read all about it!

These articles relate to what’s in the news.  It may be a look at an immediate current event or a look back in history.  These articles will give the biblical perspective of the event by looking at what God has said Scripture.

On Earth as it is in Heaven

Jesus said we should pray in this manner: My Father who is in heaven; Holy is Your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven…”

If you’ve seen our presentation on The Firmament, you know there are numbers and signs contained in the two greatest bodies we see in the heavens, the Sun and the Moon, relating to their diameters in relation to the two great structures in God’s Word, Noah’s Ark and the Ark of the Covenant. These contain measures only the Creator could have known from the very foundation of creation. These two heavenly bodies will be the stars of a great show coming soon!

This is It! by Kenny Loggins

Trumps Inauguration Day Oath – His Own Condemnation

Washington DC  On January 20th, the 58th Inauguration Ceremony will take place.  The day is full of traditions, including the swearing-in Oath, the primary purpose of the day.  This oath is the point at which Trump swears to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States” and “preserve, protect and defend” the US Constitution.

What is an Oath?  According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an Oath is a “formal calling upon God or a god to witness to the truth of what one says or to witness that one sincerely intends to do what one says”.  The Cambridge dictionary defines an Oath as “a serious promise that you will tell the truth or that you will do what you have said.”

What does God say about Oaths? …

Francis Approves Accountability Smokescreen

Rome, Italy

On June 10th, the Vatican announced the initiation of a “new accountability process” for their organization in regards to their internal reporting and handling of bishops accused of “abuse of office” when it comes to how they handle child abusers. The process was drafted by the popes Commission for the Protection of Minors which is led by Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley. Catholic leaders and laity are calling this system a potential “breakthrough moment on an issue that has plagued the church globally”.

Bishops – Pedophile Protectors, Promoted by Francis

Osorno, Chile

Pope Francis continues to lead a house of pedophiles with tolerance for the accused and disregard for the victims as was recently confirmed through his leadership promotions. A small town in southern Chile has come into the spotlight with the promotion of Juan Barros Madrid to the position of Bishop. Juan is not unique to the Catholic organization in that he has been accused of covering up the crimes of his mentor by destroying letters from victims. The victims also accuse Juan of being present in the room while they were sexually abused. If that is the case, he is also a participant in the crimes, a criminal himself. The confirmed abuser, Karadima, was found guilty by the Vatican and sentenced to a life of “penitence and prayer”.

Cardinal Egan – Death of an Unclean and Hateful Bird

New York, NY On March 5th Retired Cardinal Egan went into cardiac arrest and died. His funeral was attended by the New York City Mayor, Governor and countless other public officials. He received much praise as the “comforter-in-chief” while in his role as the Archbishop of New York during 9/11 and is credited for reducing the Archdiocese of Bridgeport’s debt during his role as Archbishop from 1988-2000.

What the Public officials and general media have failed to remember (or chosen to forget) is Egan’s direct involvement with the sexual abuse scandal, his brash redaction of an “apology” to victims and outright statement that the church had done nothing wrong. While Archbishop of Bridgeport no less than 36 allegations of abuse were reported to the diocese, yet Egan has stated there was not “even one known case of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest throughout my tenure”.

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