Questions and Answers

Light from the Book

The Firmament answers questions in God’s Word with God’s Word.  Feel free to submit any questions you have via the Contact-Us page.

Q&A: “Jesus ‘Healed the Sick’, can he Cure Covid?”

Heal the Sick

Open Bible, light from sun

Jesus was a healer, he healed the sick, but not in the way most of the world has come to understand. Most believe Jesus was a ‘miracle’ worker; making the blind to physically see, the deaf to physically hear and the lame to physically walk again. Jesus did not heal anyone – physically that is. What other “healing” could this be?

Q&A: ‘Mark of the ‘Beast’

Is the CO-VID vaccination the long anticipated ‘Mark of the Beast’ or the number of his name (666)?

No, it is not. But it is being used as a distraction and a vehicle to deceive and cause all to receive that ‘mark’. This goal has been in the process of being set up for a very long time. It is now becoming manifest in its fruition.

What does the Bible have to say about this mark, this number, this ‘beast’ and the consequences of receiving it?

Q&A: “Many shall be purified and made white…”

Question: What is the explanation of the phrase, “[…] shall be purified and made white…” in the Book of Daniel?

The word ‘purified’ here is baar in Hebrew and it means ‘to clarify’ or ‘to make bright’

The word ‘white’ here is laban in the Hebrew being the root word for ‘the Moon’ (labanah) which shines forth brightly with the white light of the Sun.

Q&A: The Tyrants in the earth

Question: Why hasn’t God intervened on the tyrants throughout history to prevent far worse atrocities than in the Old Testament days in which He did intervene?

A tyrant is a king or ruler who uses his power oppressively or unjustly. Any despotic person.
Tyranny is the arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power, despotic abuse of power; oppression

The tyrants in the earth are becoming plainly visible and God has every intention of intervening!

Thus saith the LORD, “To Me belongs vengeance, and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste… And He shall say, ‘Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted?'”

Deuteronomy 32:35-37
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