Who’s Who

Reconnecting the Roots of America, Part 1

Finding our Ancestral Roots has become a pastime and an important aspect of life for many lately with the availability of DNA tests and programs to help people reconnect with the roots of their Family Tree. But most can only go back a few generations and a few hundred years at best from their own with which to connect. But what if you could go back millennia? Back to the beginning? Back to the roots!

Ancient Roots of Worship

Looking back at the ways of ancient Egypt, Babylon and Assyria, we find many of those ways still being followed by modern-day people to this day. They’re not aware of their roots. But these practices can provide important clues for those who are searching and want to know their own roots.

Ishtar, 'Queen of Heaven'
Babylonian Ishtar, ‘Queen of Heaven’

Can You Spy a False Prophet?

Jesus and the Apostles warned often of “false prophets.”  In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses spoke of false prophets.  Who were they talking about?  Meanwhile, there are legitimate prophets like Moses, Jesus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, the Apostles and many more.  What is a prophet and how can you tell a false prophet apart from the one you should actually listen to?  Let’s take a look.

The Cardinal’s Sins

Clerical Sex Abuse CartoonThe Roman Catholic Church has been rocked, once again, by revelations of atrocious crimes committed by the clergy and Cardinals.  The  Pennsylvania Grand Jury Investigation Report documents the latest revelations.  Stop and read the report introduction.  It can be found here for download or here to read online.  Some of the main takeaways are as follows:

  • The Roman Catholic Church acted as if following “a playbook for concealing the truth.”1Reference page 3 of the introduction.  Members from the FBI National Center for Analysis of Violent Crimes assisted with this determination.
  • The Church has put its reputation above the welfare of children.
  • The Church does not and has not followed Civil Laws by failing to report predator priests to law enforcement.

With this in mind, consider the structure of the Roman Catholic Church.  The “pope” or Pontifex Maximus is at the top, followed by the red hat Cardinals.  There are currently 224 Cardinals, of which 16 reside in the United States.

The Pope selects the Cardinals.  Likewise, the Cardinals elect the Pope.   Birds of a feather, flock together.  

These 225 leaders “shepherd” 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.  That congregation includes A LOT of children.  It is time to look deeper into these unclean birds.  What is going on and above all, where is God?!

Who is Israel? A Case of Stolen Identity!

Did you know that Y’hoshua said he had not come but for the lost Sheep of the House of Israel? And when he commissioned his apostles, he commanded them not to go in the way of the heathen but rather to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. (Look this up! Matt 15:24, 10:5-6) How can a people brought up with so-called religious training not know this? This is a major breach in ‘religious’ education! Although Scripture is mistakenly associated with religion, which is defined as ‘superstition.’ God’s Word is certainly against superstition!

In Isaiah 3:12 he says, “…they which lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths.” This is something very important that people need to take to heart and understand. Consider they are the “Ministers of Darkness” and haven’t any knowledge in themselves.

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