Hidden History of Residential Schools

The former Kamloops Residential School operated by the Catholic Church where hundreds of unmarked graves of children were found

“For, behold, the LORD comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.”

Isaiah 26:21

Graves of children that lay hidden were discovered last year on the property of Catholic residential schools in Canada. Since the discovery, a thousand more unmarked graves have been found in Canada and in the United States. This scandal is nothing new for the Catholic Church. Mass graves have been uncovered at Catholic institutions in Ireland including an orphanage, and the Magdalene Laundries. The spotlight is now turned to the Residential Schools run by the Catholic Church in Canada and the United States.

‘All Saints’ or ‘all gods’?

November 1st is designated by the Roman Catholic church to give honor to all their gods. They call it ‘All Saints Day.’ Did I say gods or saints? In Latin, the two words have the same meaning. Such a play on words! Pantheon means, ‘all gods’. It’s polytheistic or having ‘many gods.’ It is said that a man with many gods has no God. ‘All gods’ was changed to ‘All Saints’ just to fool everybody.

“For all the gods of the nations are idols: but the LORD made the Heavens.”

Psalms 96:5

The ancient Roman Pantheon was built to honor the King of all the gods, Jupiter. In the Greek Pantheon he was Zeus. In ancient Persia they had Ahura Mazda as their supreme head. Marduk or Bel/Baal reigned supreme in the Babylonian Pantheon. He was personified as a dragon.

Which Witch is Which?

Halloween and witches go hand-in-hand. Parents dress their kids up as witches, adults dress up as witches and witch hats, brooms and black cats decorate storefronts and house porches. Nowadays people treat the idea of witches as just silly costumes and customs to ‘celebrate’ Halloween. Halloween and witches are not something to be celebrated.

It wasn’t all that long ago when accusations of being a witch were a deadly matter, but those witch accusers are not all that innocent themselves. What we have here is a case of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’ that has resulted in the murder of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Witches, sorcerers and those who practice witchcraft are in fact real people, although their ‘witchcraft’ is not based on reality, just a figment of their imaginations. Ironically, pointy hats are involved, just not the ones you’re thinking of.

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