This Memorial day is a time of Prayer for the forgiveness of trespasses/sins against God, and a returning to Him for mercy and the restoration of the House of Israel. It is a time to “Repent and Return to the Father, to do Judgment, Justice and Righteousness.” Jesus taught this perfectly when he made the perfect atonement offering.
Under the British Throne there lies a stone. It is known by many names. It is called the Stone of Destiny, the Stone of Scone, Lia Fàil (“Stone of Fate”), the Tanist Stone, and as clach-na-cinneamhain in Scottish Gaelic. The most important name given to this stone, however, is Jacob’s Pillar, or the Stone of Jacob. It prevails today as the Coronation Stone, upon which the monarchs of Ireland, Scotland, and England are crowned. During the coronation ceremonies, the stone is never mentioned and yet it has been there, hidden beneath the throne. It has sat as a silent reminder of God’s Covenant, not only for the people of the United Kingdom but of all the descendants of Jacob scattered throughout the world.
This is the time to witness the “Great Celestial Alignment” on display in the morning skies. Five planets will be visible, while six will be present, throughout the entire second half of June 2022. The best morning to look up is three days after the summer solstice, which occurred on Tuesday, June 21. The crescent moon falls in line perfectly with the planets before daybreak on Friday, June 24, glowing directly between Mars and Venus. This is also the position of the earth from the sun.
There are at least two ancient structures on earth that are perfectly aligned to the sun at the times of the solstices and equinoxes, The Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, and Stonehenge in Great Britain. These both stand as silent witnesses in stone. This article is going to primarily address the Pyramid.
More ‘Great Signs‘ are taking place in the Heavens for all to see. There is a ‘Grand Celestial Alignment’ of planets along with the Sun and Moon taking place in the mornings to come and is set to peak on Friday, June 24, 2022. They will appear before sunrise in the order of their distance from the Sun. First in the order: Saturn in the constellation of Aquarius; Jupiter, Neptune (unseen) and Mars in Pisces; the Moon in Aries; Venus and Mercury along with the Sun, in Taurus. This is a span from one Cardinal Point in the Zodiac to another, the celestial Bull of Taurus and the Man with the water pitcher in Aquarius. This represents a quarter of the Zodiacal clock.
The phrase “knowledge is power” has been attributed to Sir Francis Bacon (1597), an English statesman and philosopher. He is also known as the “father of empiricism.” Empiricism is a theory that states that knowledge comes only or primarily from sensory experience. It emphasizes the role of empirical evidence in the formation of ideas. ‘Empirical evidence’ is information that is acquired by observation or experimentation. The process is a central part of the scientific method. The Latin word for ‘knowledge’ is ‘science’. This is all derived from the wisdom of man. What kind of power can be gained with this method when the data can be so easily manipulated and those who speak the truth are censored and ostracized? They have forgotten the true source of knowledge and power.