The Apocalypse – Doomsday Update

The so-called Doomsday Clock was scheduled to change this day, January 20,2022. But it appears time is standing still.

“…the Doomsday Clock remains the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse because the world remains stuck in an extremely dangerous moment.”

Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said the clock “continues to hover dangerously, reminding us about how much work is needed to be done to ensure a safer and healthier planet. We must continue to push the hands of the clock away from midnight.”

Doomsday clock at 100 seconds to midnight…

Time Stands Still

The clock has been stuck at 100 seconds for three years in a row now. 100 ÷ 60 = 1.666 minutes! Interestingly the ‘Mark of the Beast’, which is identified by the number ‘666’, is in the process of being implemented. One will not be able to ‘buy nor sell’ without it. It is the fulfillment of prophecy! But no one can turn back time! Man does not have it in his power to stop what’s coming….

Announcing the Day of the Lord

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God…”
1 Thessalonians 4:16

The Apocalypse according to Google is: “the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical Book of Revelation.” But this is misinformation!

The Doomsday Clock 2022

The upgraded ‘Doomsday Clock’ is scheduled to become public on January 20, 2022. Based on existential threats, including the use of nuclear weapons, it has been set at 100 seconds for the last two years. Will it change? Who sets the clock? 100 divided by 60 = 1.666 minutes, computed by the scientists and wise men and women of the world.

The Time has come for the World

According to the Dictionary, the word ‘doom’ refers to ‘the Last Judgment’; to pronounce judgment against, to condemn. ‘Doomsday’, the Day of the Last Judgment [OE domesdæg Judgment Day]. From the Hebrew, #1777 dan to judge, to condemn, to punish.

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer should not be underestimated, it is one of the most powerful things you can do.  Prayer is how you turn to God. It is the ask in “Ask and it shall be given”, and it is the knock in “Knock and it shall be opened” (Mat 7:7, Luke 11:9).  Prayer literally means to ask and it is the first step to receiving salvation and protection from God.

Returning to God is the overall purpose of Scripture, but first you must ask.  Unfortunately, no one seems to know how to pray or what to ask for because it doesn’t seem to be doing any good.  You may be thinking, I prayed for this or that and it never happened. 

Christmas – The Christ Mass

The Christmas Season has once again, come upon the earth.  This is the annual period of festivities centered around the winter solstice and the birth of the Sun… or Son as it is now taught. If the purpose of this ‘holy’ day is to celebrate the supposed day of Jesus’ birth why isn’t this day simply called Christ’s Birthday.  Why is it instead called Christmas?  Learn where this term comes from and why it matters.

The World of ‘Financial Inclusion’

Many are hard at work to promote the idea of “financial inclusion”. Not wanting anyone to be left out, they require everyone to be included. It has become increasingly apparent that these pandemic profiteers or ‘stakeholders’ do not have the people’s best interests at heart. Their personal wealth multiplies in the billions of dollars daily, while the people are being put into financial jeopardy. Digitally, the financial, high-tech, biopharmaceutical and military-intelligence sectors are all interconnected. If you are not ‘included’ in this system, you simply will not be able to participate in society. A highly pressurized campaign to cause all to receive a digital ID, each with his own Personal Identification Number (PIN), is underway. Your PIN is the number of your name. This is Biblical Prophecy fulfilled.

Digital Financial inclusion
Included or Left Out?