Circumcision: A Cut to the Heart

Circumcision, like Baptism, has become a tradition, custom or requirement that differentiates greatly between the religions of the world. ‘Jews’ are well known adherents to a physical circumcision as a way to continue the Covenant of Circumcision between Abraham and God. Muslims consider circumcision an act of ‘purification’ and Christians are split on whether a physical circumcision is required. Catholics are against it and Orthodox Christians are for it. Many protestant Christians, like Catholics, see a water Baptism as the replacement or extension of Circumcision, but this approach varies between denominations.

Consider, as well, the discrepancies between government guidance on the issue. In the US, the government has framed circumcision as a health issue. World War II recruits were routinely circumcised. It is still a commonplace procedure for infants prior to leaving the hospital. Many parents support the practice in adherence to government health guidance. In 1965 over 85% of the US population circumcised male infants. That number has been dropping ever since. Meanwhile, several European countries have tried to outright ban the practice. With such a dizzying array of understanding and motivation for circumcision, has anyone actually cut to the heart of what God calls for?

Beware of False Prophets and their Hypocrisy

Jesus warned of false prophets and false teachers who would come at the end. He also said to beware of their leaven which is hypocrisy. But no one seems to be listening. I see the majority being deceived, a fulfillment of prophecy, following after lies and deception. They follow deceit (chaff) and forsake the Truth (wheat). They walk in darkness because they listen to and obey false prophets. The wheat is much preferred!

“I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by way of me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also…”

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.”

Jesus Christ – John 8:12; John 14:6-7; Matthew 7:13-17

Q&A: “What is Baptism?”

Sprinkled or dunked? Required for infants, kids, teens or adults only? Performed before salvation, after salvation or is it the actual act of salvation? Baptism. One of the key ‘sacraments’ of most ‘Christian’ denominations, is fraught with disagreements. Who, what, when, how and even if followers are to be baptized is one of the major defining tenets that differentiates between the denominations. Who is in-line with God? Let’s sort this all out.

Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve!

The pastors of the people in America are paralyzed and confused by having to choose what to do. It is a case of the blind leading the blind; they are all groping in darkness. A recent article, ‘Many Bible Belt preachers silent on shots as COVID-19 surges’ on AP, states:

Those involved with the COVID-19 vaccination effort are having a problem getting pastors to publicly advocate for the shots because some have referred to them as “the mark of the beast,” a biblical reference in the Book of Revelation. They say it represents a reference to “allegiance to the devil.”

“Some pastors are hosting vaccination clinics and praying for more inoculations, while others are issuing fiery anti-vaccine sermons from their pulpits. Most are staying mum on the issue…”

Evangelical pastors in the Dark on COVID-19

While the Protestant Evangelicals remain silent, a major stockholder in the pharmaceutical companies has “demanded that all relevant stakeholders/stockholders exhaust all efforts to confront vaccine hesitancy…” They manifest themselves by their all-out efforts. And show themselves to be a House divided against itself.

Q&A: “Is Revelation 13 being fulfilled now?”

The Scripture

Is this the Mark of the Beast?

Revelation Chapter 13 is arguably the best known piece of scripture in the Bible.  This is the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast.  We are going to focus on the last few verses to answer this question, but I encourage you to read the entire chapter for context.

To summarize, there is a dragon (lit. serpent, same as in Revelation 12:3) and two beasts.  The first beast is a governing or secular power having the traits of those governments or kingdoms that have gone before and symbolized by the leopard, bear and lion (cf. Daniel 7). The dragon empowers the first beast with seven heads and ten horns. The second beast is a false religion that looks righteous (like a Lamb) but speaks wickedness (like a dragon). The second beast, the false religion, will cause all to serve and take the mark of the first beast, the oppressive government. Historically, this dynamic of religion empowering government has always existed, but not on a worldwide scale. These two entities are the Whore and Beast of Revelation 17.

Now we are going to focus on the last few verses to determine how we will know if or when Revelation 13 is being fulfilled.

And he (the first beast) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive their mark in their right hand, and in their foreheads: And that no one might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, the name (or authority) of the beast, and the number of their name.

Revelation 13:16-17
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