2021 – The Year of the Cathars

Seven hundred years ago, in the year 1321, a man identified as the last of the Cathars, was interrogated in the Inquisition and burnt at the stake after he proclaimed a prophecy. That prophecy pertained to the year 2021 when he said, “We shall return in 700 years…” Is it being fulfilled? Take a look…

The Albigensian Crusade (1209–29) was called for by Pope Innocent III against the Cathars, a community in the south of France, whom the Roman Catholic Church had branded heretical. The war pitted the nobility of staunchly Catholic northern France against that of the south.

For all of its violence and destruction, the Albigensian Crusade failed to remove the Cathar heresy from Languedoc. It did, however, provide a solid framework of new secular governors willing to work with the church against the heretics. They were promised indulgences and whatever property or belongings they could confiscate. Through the subsequent efforts of the Inquisition, established by the papacy to try heretics, Catharism was virtually eliminated in Languedoc within a century. Many false accusations were made against them. ‘Cathar’ means purified, same as the ‘Puritans.’ They were also known as the Albigensians for the area of Albi where they lived.

Cathar country in Southern France
Marseilles, Albi, and Beziers in the Languedoc, South of France

A Bible Story – Abraham to Moses

Many people are confused about who Israel really is or was. Let’s make the crooked straight! Here is the true Bible Story from Abraham to Moses, grandson of Levi.

Many years ago, the name ‘Israel’ was given to Abraham’s grandson, Jacob. His father was Isaac. Abraham and Isaac loved God and kept His Commandments. Jacob, who had the birthright, was saved by God from his brother, Esau, who wanted to kill him. He loved God and learned of Him and this is why the LORD is called the ‘God of Israel’; ‘The Mighty One of Israel’. Because these three men, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, loved God above all, promises were made to them and a Covenant was made with them.

Off to See the Wizard

On October 29th, Joe and Jill Biden will pay a visit to the Pope. Biden’s visit is publicly focused on discussing issues like human rights, climate change and the poor. This year, the list of topics includes ending the COVID-19 pandemic, something the Pope previously asked Mary to do.

But the main ‘brew-ha-ha’ circling this particular Vatican visit is regarding Biden’s desire to eat a cracker.

Biden want a cracker?

Circumcision: A Cut to the Heart

Circumcision, like Baptism, has become a tradition, custom or requirement that differentiates greatly between the religions of the world. ‘Jews’ are well known adherents to a physical circumcision as a way to continue the Covenant of Circumcision between Abraham and God. Muslims consider circumcision an act of ‘purification’ and Christians are split on whether a physical circumcision is required. Catholics are against it and Orthodox Christians are for it. Many protestant Christians, like Catholics, see a water Baptism as the replacement or extension of Circumcision, but this approach varies between denominations.

Consider, as well, the discrepancies between government guidance on the issue. In the US, the government has framed circumcision as a health issue. World War II recruits were routinely circumcised. It is still a commonplace procedure for infants prior to leaving the hospital. Many parents support the practice in adherence to government health guidance. In 1965 over 85% of the US population circumcised male infants. That number has been dropping ever since. Meanwhile, several European countries have tried to outright ban the practice. With such a dizzying array of understanding and motivation for circumcision, has anyone actually cut to the heart of what God calls for?

Beware of False Prophets and their Hypocrisy

Jesus warned of false prophets and false teachers who would come at the end. He also said to beware of their leaven which is hypocrisy. But no one seems to be listening. I see the majority being deceived, a fulfillment of prophecy, following after lies and deception. They follow deceit (chaff) and forsake the Truth (wheat). They walk in darkness because they listen to and obey false prophets. The wheat is much preferred!

“I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no one comes to the Father, but by way of me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also…”

“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit.”

Jesus Christ – John 8:12; John 14:6-7; Matthew 7:13-17
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