The Fourth of July – A Day of Mourning for America

This year marks the 242nd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The founding fathers were fed up with King George of England and his tyrannical way of governing the English colonies from “across the pond.” To declare independence was a treasonous act against George but it proved to be a courageous act for the benefit of America and Liberty and Justice was proclaimed to the captives!

Declaration Committee
Declaration Committee: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman

High Cost of Celebration

Since then, the country goes into overdrive to celebrate this day in history with parades, band concerts, bar-b-ques and fireworks. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans will spend more than $7 billion on cookouts and other celebrations. All done without a thought to those who risked their lives for the freedom to do so.

Exposing Jesuit Influence, Past and Present

The Jesuits have a long history of involvement with governments and politics, all the way back to their very beginning.  But before we dive into this history, as a quick refresher, the previous Jesuit article looked at the current role of a Jesuit Catholic as the US House Chaplain.  He opens meetings with a prayer, conducts ceremonies and provides guidance to the members of the House.  The government purports a separation of church and state.  All the while, they fund a Jesuit to a full-time government job.  He is fully integrated into the day to day activities of the House.  This is not the first time the Jesuits have inserted themselves into the inner workings of government.  They have been expelled from multiple countries for doing so, even by the Vatican itself!

Elijah, Where are You?

The Legend of Elijah

The Jewish people have a custom to leave a vacant seat and a place set at the Passover table for the Prophet Elijah. With the sound of a knock, the children run to the door and say, “Elijah, is that you?” When he comes, they expect him to be a herald of the coming of the Messiah, to resolve all unanswered questions concerning the Law of Moses, and to deliver God’s people into that Land promised by God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to their offspring. This includes all twelve tribes of the House of Israel.

The Arthurian Legend

Similarly, in the Arthurian Legend of the Round Table, there is an empty seat awaiting the rightful king, being the Messiah, the Branch of David, aka King Arthur. He, in pulling the sword from the stone, will thus become the High King over all the House of Israel (Gen 49:8-10). This legend is tied to the story of the Holy Grail, the Last Supper and Joseph of Arimathea, who founded Glastonbury in Britain after the death of Christ.
But how are two Legends tied together?

Elijah - the rightful heir to the throne
The Sword in the Stone

Memorial Day – Something to Remember

The meaning of “Memorial Day” is answered in this way: “An American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.”

Many of these men and women who serve are dying because of military mandated drugs known to cause Neurotoxicity, violent rages and brain damage!

Remember the Afghanistan massacre?  Did Lariam play a role?

Jesuit Chaplain – Guilty by Association

Patick Conroy Jesuit House ChaplainPatrick Conroy, a Jesuit Catholic, has been sworn back into office this week as the US House Chaplain after a couple of turbulent weeks.  Paul  Ryan met significant criticism from the Catholic members of Congress after asking for Conroy’s resignation in April.  Initially, Conroy conceded and he turned in a resignation letter.  Conroy rescinded his letter last week after receiving significant support from Nancy Pelosi and others.  His on-again, off-again position in this role has brought the House Chaplain role to the front pages.  What is this role all about and who is Patrick Conroy?  The findings are alarming and full of hypocrisy!

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