As of 2005 54% (3.6 billion people) of the world’s population considered themselves adherents of an “Abrahamic religion.” Christianity being the largest at 33%, Islam second at 21% and Judaism at 0.02%. All “Abrahamic religions” claim a direct lineage to the Biblical Patriarch, Abraham.
Jesus said, If you are the children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. So let’s see how well connected these “religions” really are to Abraham!
“Let us therefore be in awe/reverence, lest a promise being left us of entering into His Rest, any of you should come short of it… There remains, therefore, a keeping of a Sabbath to the people of God.” Hebrews 4
Many argue that the day of rest called for by God is Saturday (the seventh day of the week) or Sunday (the first day of the week). God called for His people to keep the weekly Sabbath, the seventh day, as a token to remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy unto Him. But the true Sabbath is much bigger than that. It is written, “Don’t be ignorant of the one thing: One day to the LORD is as a thousand years” (2 Peter 3:8), and “in six days, that is six thousand years all things will be accomplished” (Barnabus 13:4-5). Genesis 2 tells us that God finished His work on the sixth day and on the seventh day He rested and sanctified that day to be kept to Him.
“Mene, Mene, Tikel Upharsin.” These were the Hebrew words written on the wall in the Biblical Book of Daniel. The only one who could interpret them for Belshazzar, King of Babylon, was Daniel, a Jewish man who had been taken into captivity from Judea by Nebuchadnezzar. Before interpreting the words, Daniel reprimanded Belshazzar for not humbling himself before the God of Heaven. He had in fact exalted himself against God, stolen the vessels from the Temple in Judea and was using them in his own temple to drink wine and party with his friends. Belshazzar worshiped gods/idols of gold and silver which “neither see, nor hear, nor know” anything. Therefore, God sent a hand to write on the wall before the king: “Mene. Mene, tekel, upharsin.” When the king’s “wise” men, magicians, and priests couldn’t tell him what it meant, he finally called Daniel.
Perfect organization does not come out of chaos, all breakthroughs in science show greater and greater organization. At first they may seem random and chaotic, but the more we learn the more organized and perfect they become. Unlike things created by man which upon closer inspection reveal greater imperfections, science does the opposite.
Our universe is fine-tuned for life, what some call the Goldilocks zone (not too cold, not too hot, but just right). Life wouldn’t be possible if any one of a number of fundamental physical constants were altered, even a hair. If a proton were just one percent heavier, it would decay into a neutron, and atoms would fly apart. If the weak force were slightly stronger than it is, or weaker than it is, higher elements necessary for life would have never been created in the cores of stars. And so on. The odds against all of these constants being precisely what they need to be are trillions to one against.
Going further, to have the Goldilocks zone exist to support life is nothing short of miraculous, but for that life to contemplate its own existence, to even ask the question “Is there a God?” has odds in the trillions of trillions of trillions to one against. …
The pagan celebration of the worship of Ishtar, the Queen of Heaven, has morphed into what is now called “Easter.” By changing the name they hoped to bury the origin of the worship of the Queen of Heaven, but we will expose the roots of this deception. Today she is worshiped under the name, “Virgin Mary.” They change the names but the characters are the same.
In 2016 The National Retail Federation expected consumers to spend $17.3 billion, up considerably from what they spent in 2008 – that number was $14.4 billion! This day definitely makes the merchants of the earth become very rich.