Does Science disprove God?
The Goldilocks Zone
Perfect organization does not come out of chaos, all breakthroughs in science show greater and greater organization. At first they may seem random and chaotic, but the more we learn the more organized and perfect they become. Unlike things created by man which upon closer inspection reveal greater imperfections, science does the opposite.

Our universe is fine-tuned for life, what some call the Goldilocks zone (not too cold, not too hot, but just right). Life wouldn’t be possible if any one of a number of fundamental physical constants were altered, even a hair. If a proton were just one percent heavier, it would decay into a neutron, and atoms would fly apart. If the weak force were slightly stronger than it is, or weaker than it is, higher elements necessary for life would have never been created in the cores of stars. And so on. The odds against all of these constants being precisely what they need to be are trillions to one against.
Going further, to have the Goldilocks zone exist to support life is nothing short of miraculous, but for that life to contemplate its own existence, to even ask the question “Is there a God?” has odds in the trillions of trillions of trillions to one against. …