Jesus wouldn’t know “Jesus”!
Many people think that Jesus is coming back to save them, and they make prayers to “Jesus” daily. It might come as a surprise to these people that Jesus wouldn’t even know “Jesus.” If he were to return in the flesh, he would not even respond to the name “Jesus.” His name was, in fact, Y’hoshua, pronounced Ya-ho’-shua, and the changing of his name to Jesus was a very unrighteous act.
Some might respond to this fact by saying that he is called Jesus merely because of transliteration from Greek to English. However, this type of argument is in complete error. The Greek name, Iesous, or Jesus, was assigned to Y’hoshua by those who translated the New Testament into Greek. The words of Y’hoshua and the Apostles were originally spoken and written in Aramaic, a language much more similar to Hebrew than Greek. In his day, Jesus Christ would have been referred to as Y’hoshua HaMashiyach (meaning simply “Y’hoshua the Messiah/Anointed”) rather than Iesous Christos, as the Greeks would have him called. So, why “Jesus” then? The answer lies in Greek mythology… …