This past month’s news has been dominated by two main stories. Abuse and violence. In too many cases, those promoting violence are leaders with influence and power over the people. Likewise, those committing abuse are in positions of power and authority. This corruption was prophesied of long ago. The following map is a summary of current events related to prophecy. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic pointing to a future time, and that time is now.

This month we’re going to start with the reports of abuse that occurred around the world. These news stories often receive much less coverage and response than deserved when you consider the worldwide crimes of physical, sexual and mental abuse. Abuse is not a one-time event, but impacts the remaining life of the victims and their families.
The Roman Catholic Church has been dealing with a sexual abuse scandal for many decades. This last month it was reported by the attorney general of Illinois that nearly 2,000 children were abused in the state over the last 70 years by Catholic clergy. In the report “survivors spoke of years, and often decades, struggling with challenges including insomnia, anxiety, trust issues, nightmares, suicidal ideation, guilt, addiction, alcoholism, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, issues creating and maintaining relationships, and sexual side effects.”
Meanwhile, in Australia the Catholic Church has been accused of adding to the trauma of a survivor by ‘trying to thwart case’ of pedophilia through a false claim that the victim was a baptized Anglican. The Australian church has been accused of repeated attempts to halt cases where pedophile clergy have died. Below is an ABC news program from Australia highlighting this issue. It is no doubt that these tactics are not limited to Australia.
In Bolivia, the Jesuits acknowledged abuse committed against several minors by a now deceased priest. The Vatican’s top sex crimes investigators arrived in Bolivia as the countries Prosecutor’s Office initiated an investigation and called for victims to come forward. Abuse victims spoke out against the ‘truth commission’ because it was only made up of political appointees and so far has not consulted with victims.
Advisory Board Turmoil
At the same time, the child protection advisory board to Pope Francis was in ‘turmoil’ after the latest resignation of a founding member. The commission was created 10 years ago and has had several members resign from frustration due to ‘resistance of the Vatican bureaucracy to its recommendations’ and exasperation about the ‘commission’s unclear mandate and model.’ This outcome should come as no surprise considering the evasive tactics used by the church lawyers highlighted in the video below that contradict reassurances of ‘transparency and accountability‘ spouted by Church leaders.
Bankruptcy not an act of Accountability
One tactic that avoids accountability is when a diocese files for bankruptcy. In May the Roman Catholic Diocese of Oakland became the latest of many diocese in the United States to file for bankruptcy due to hundreds of child sex abuse claims. SNAP, the survivors network for clergy sex abuse victims, rightly stated that ‘the Diocese of Oakland is morally bankrupt, but they do not deserve to be declared financially bankrupt.’ As a reminder, in the US the Roman Catholic Church was given $3.5 Billion of tax payer money through the Covid PPP ‘loans.’
Chaos at Charity
The main charity organization of the Roman Catholic Church, Caritas Internationalis also had a recent ‘shake-up’ in leadership.The AP article linked below details the accusations of a ‘power grab’, the internal feuds, accusations and of all things an ‘accountability review’ that, in a contradiction to the ‘transparency’ mantra, was never made public. What a rocky month for this church that claims to represent God!
Illinois: nearly 2,000 children abused by Catholic clergy over 70-year period
Church accused of adding to trauma of survivor
Marist Brothers lose bid to use paedophile’s death as shield against child abuse claims
Bolivian Jesuits apologize for alleged abuse by late priest
Bolivia’s Catholic Church acknowledges being ‘deaf’ to sex abuse victims
Victims who were sexually abused in Bolivia’s Jesuit schools make their voices heard
Pope seeks to encourage abuse prevention board amid turmoil
Oakland 2nd California diocese to seek bankruptcy over abuse
Ousted Caritas chief denounces Vatican ‘power grab’
Religious Leaders Abuse
Abuse by preachers of their flock is not limited to the Catholic Church. Two Muslim clerics were arrested in Pakistan for allegedly raping a 10-year-old boy. According to the Associated Press, “Child Sex abuse in Pakistan’s religious school is prevalent and complaints from parents and relatives rarely lead to the arrest of accused religious clerics.”
In another major story coming out of Kenya, a televangelist has been accused of leading his followers to starve themselves to death in order to “meet Jesus.” Over 200 dead have been found, many of them children, with 600 still missing.
Pakistan police allege 2 clerics raped boy in seminary
Kenya cult death toll hits 200
Autopsies reveal missing organs in Kenya cult deaths
Where does this abuse fit in prophecy? Let’s look to the Testament of Levi, a book you will find in either the Pseudepigrapha or the Forgotten Books of Eden and made available on
“In the seventh week there will come priests; idolaters, adulterers, money lovers, arrogant, lawless, voluptuaries, pederasts, those who practice beastiality.” (Rom 1:25-32)
Testament of Levi 17:11
In Matthew Jesus speaks of the tares and the good seed. Tares are weeds and Jesus points out that these tares are a reference in parable to a type of person. He says:
“The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;”
Matthew 13:29
In the Gospel of Thomas, found in the Nag Hammadi Library and made available on the same parable of the wheat and the tares found in Matthew 13 is as follows:
“Jesus said, ‘The Kingdom of the Father is like a man who had [good seed]. His enemy came by night and sowed weeds among the good seed. The man did not allow them to pull up the weeds; he said to them, “I am afraid that you will go intending to pull up the weeds and pull up the wheat along with them.” For on the day of the harvest the weeds will be plainly visible, and they will be pulled up and burned.”
Thomas :57
Consider that the Roman Catholic Church claims to have authority over the Words of God. God’s Words should come forth from His Kingdom, but in their case they are the weeds that were sown at night. Their actions of worldwide pedophilia reveal them to be the weeds becoming plainly visible. Prophecy fulfilled!
Wars and Rumors of Wars
The Russia-Ukraine War has been playing out in the news with the extensive coverage of an anticipated Ukraine counteroffensive. During the G-7 meeting in Hiroshima Japan, Ukraine president Zelensky personally attended to press for additional military support. He also traveled to Italy to visit Pope Francis. Francis has claimed the Vatican is secretly working on a peace-plan between Ukraine and Russia. These two countries are predominately Orthodox not Roman Catholic and neither country has acknowledged such a peace plan is in the works. Ukraine has it’s own peace plan that it promoted with the pope, but no agreements were publicized.

Nato Bolsters Ukraine
Meanwhile the Nato countries continue to contribute to the escalation of the conflict with additional commitments of weapons, tanks and jets. Biden flip-flopped on his previous statement that jets would not be supplied to Ukraine. Germany has committed an additional $3 Billion in military aid. Italy, France and the UK are all committing more resources to Ukraine. The US is sending air defense systems and ammunition in a new $300 million arms package for Ukraine. It is not clear if this is part of the $1.2 billion pledged by the Pentagon at the beginning of the month. Japan is committing $1 billion to help neighboring countries of Ukraine accept refuges.
Zelensky did not limit his requests for aid to Nato or the G-7. He also went to Saudi Arabia during a summit of Arab leaders. Saudi Arabia has previously pledged $400 million in aid to Ukraine.
Ukraine forces begin ‘shaping’ battlefield for counteroffensive
Zelensky marshals support for Ukraine during dramatic appearance at G7
President Zelensky meets with the pope at the Vatican
In a Sharpe Reversal, Biden Opens a Path for Ukraine to Get Fighter Jets
Germany to supply Ukraine with largest aid package yet
Italy prepares new military aid package for Ukraine
France to give Ukraine more tanks
UK pledges hundreds of new attack drones to Ukraine
US announces $300m arms package for Ukraine
US to provide Ukraine $1.2 billion in long-term security aid
Japan pledges to mobilize $1 bln to help nations around Ukraine accept refugees
Why Zelensky is Attending the Arab league Summit in Saudi Arabia
The conflict in Sudan continued, displacing over 1.4 million people.. Over 800 civilians have been killed in the fighting and the population continues to live in terror or flee.
Nearly 1.4 million people displaced in Sudan since civil war erupted
The civilian toll of fighting in Sudan
Nato is responding to violent protests in Kosovo by sending 700 more troops to join the 3,800 hundred already in the country. These ‘peacekeeping’ troops armed with weapons and riot gear are to ‘maintain security.’
NATO deploys more forces to Kosovo after 30 peacekeepers injured
Why do Kosovo-Serbia tensions persist?
“The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgement in the goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes therein shall not know peace.”
Isaiah 59:8
“You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that you are not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
Matthew 24:5
“The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; because the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
Genesis 6:11-13
Tribulation & Extreme Weather
This last month the world experienced weather extremes and tribulation throughout. There were ‘unprecedented’ wildfires in Nova Scotia and Alberta with smoke drifting into the US. Elsewhere in the world, devastating floods hit the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and Italy.
Dozens were killed in Myanmar when cyclone Mocha made landfall. In Vietnam, a new highest-ever record was set when the temperature reached 44.1C or 111F.
There were three earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or higher and a volcano near Mexico city put millions of people on alert.
‘Unprecedented’ Nova Scotia wildfires expected to worsen
Alberta, Canada, wildfires show no sign of slowing
Relatives search for loved ones after deadly flooding in DRC
‘The city was underwater’: quarter of a million Somalis flee flooded homes
Crews work to reach Italian towns isolated by floods
Cyclone Mocha kills dozens in Myanmar
Vietnam records highest-ever temperature
7.7 magnitude earthquake causes small tsunami
Millions in Mexico warned to prepare for evacuation
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
2 Peter 3:10
Opioid Crisis
Tribulation can manifest in many ways, and the fentanyl and overall opioid crisis continues to destroy lives and families. Now 20% of deaths of people aged 15-24 in California is from fentanyl. It was reported last month that almost 110,000 US citizens died from an opioid overdose in 2022, a new record high. Meanwhile, in May the Sacklers, makers of the highly addictive opioid OxyContin were granted immunity in exchange for a $6 billion settlement. The Associated Press also reported on the DEA’s failure to punish opioid distributors, a failure that also highlights the close connections between the DEA and the drug companies.
One in five deaths among young Californians tied to fentanyl
US drug overdose deaths, fueled by synthetic opioids, hit a new high in 2022
Court grants Sackler family immunity in exchange for $6 billion opioid settlement
DEA’s failure to punish distributor blamed in opioid crisis raises revolving door questions
Mass Shootings
Mass shootings are no longer an American issue. This last month in Serbia 18 people were killed and 21 were injured between two mass shootings. Tens of thousands protested against the government blaming a culture of violence that has permeated society. In America, a mass shooting occurred at a mall in Texas, taking the lives of 9 people. Mothers Day is celebrated in May, but this year it was the anniversary of the mass shooting in Buffalo. The day was a day of grief and a ‘reminder of loss.’
Tens of thousands in Serbia protest mass shootings
Texas Mall Shooting
For Buffalo shooting victims’ kin, Mother’s Day is a reminder of loss
“For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.”
Matthew 24:21
“The beginning of sorrows and great mourning; the beginning of famine and great death; the beginning of wars, and the powers shall stand in fear; the beginning of evils! … Behold, famine and plague, tribulation and anguish, are sent as scourges for amendment. But for all these things they shall not turn from their wickedness, nor be always mindful of the scourges.”
2 Esdras 16:18-20
“When you are in tribulation, and all these things are come upon you, even in the latter days, if you turn to the LORD your God, and shall be obedient to His Voice; For the LORD your God is a merciful God; He will not forsake you, neither destroy you, not forget the Covenant of Your fathers which He swore to them.”
Deuteronomy 4:30-31
Caught in Unawares
“And take heed to yourself, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness 1“The serpents are the kings of the peoples and their wine is their ways.” DD 3:19, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you in unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth, You watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted able to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Adam.”
Luke 21:34-36