Sprinkled or dunked? Required for infants, kids, teens or adults only? Performed before salvation, after salvation or is it the actual act of salvation? Baptism. One of the key ‘sacraments’ of most ‘Christian’ denominations, is fraught with disagreements. Who, what, when, how and even if followers are to be baptized is one of the major defining tenets that differentiates between the denominations. Who is in-line with God? Let’s sort this all out.
Bartholomew was an Apostle of Jesus Christ. And with this story, comes the legend of the children of Israel, that is Jacob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham. It highlights a portion in time when the people of God were in transgression and had been scattered throughout the earth, as they are to this day. For their help, He sent them His servants, the Prophets, His own son, Jesus, and his Apostles. In most every instance, they have been met with hostility and persecution because what they had to say was not well received. But they persevered because they had been sent by God Himself to correct His people and turn them back to Him.
August 24, is celebrated and remembered throughout Christendom as the feast day of the Apostle, Bartholomew. He was numbered among the twelve original Apostles who followed Jesus and were witnesses to all that he said and did. Before he died, Jesus sent them out to teach their brethren all things he had taught them. They were all tortured and killed, as Jesus was, for their testimony except one. That one was John who was exiled and from whom we have the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the Bible. Jesus had twelve Apostles, one for each of the twelve tribes of the House of Israel/Jacob. Bartholomew was also known in the Gospels as Nathaniel. Jesus pointed to him and said, “Behold! an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!” (John 1:47)
According to ancient tradition, Christianity was first preached in Armenia by two Apostles of Christ, Thaddeus and Bartholomew. During the first three centuries of Christianity in Armenia its followers had to remain a hidden congregation because of persecution. Indeed Christ led his followers into being persecuted for his name’s sake, as were the Prophets before him. He had told them before-time to expect it. Even Paul/Saul persecuted followers of Christ before his conversion and then after that he himself was killed. (Acts 7-8)
Before America was, there was Scotland, still part of the United Kingdom of Britain, Scotland and Ireland. These are the brethren of the founding fathers of America, referred to in America’s Declaration of Independence. They claim the Apostle Andrew as their Patron Saint, as they say, he was sent to them first by Christ. Today, November 30, a feast day in his honor is celebrated in Scotland.
St. Andrew crucified
The nations of America, the United Kingdom and Northwestern Europe including Belgium, Holland, France, Norway, Sweden and Denmark became the wealthiest nations on earth in the very short time of the last two centuries. Since AD 1800 they have acquired more than three-fourths of all the wealth and resources of the earth.
The Apostles Creed is recognizable to most “Christians” in the world.
Does this sound familiar?
“I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary…”
The creed is recited as part of the Roman Catholic Mass and baptism. The Episcopalians, Lutherans and Methodists also recite the creed as part of their baptism rituals. It may come as a surprise to the laity in the Protestant branches of Christianity to learn that Catholics recite the Apostles Creed and vice versa. Why? Because the Apostles Creed is a “statement of faith” and these different religions are taught that their religion is the correct religion, yet they all have the same “statement of faith.” Even more surprising is that this creed cannot be found in the Bible or in any other writings by the Apostles. So, where did it come from?
This article will answer the question of “Apostolic Succession,” what it is, who has claimed it for themselves, and to whom it rightfully belongs.
Jesus warned to watch out for “false prophets/teachers who come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.” The Book of Revelation states that the “whole world” has been deceived by a certain religious entity who is the “Mother” of them all. Let’s take a closer look at this and see what it all means.
Roman Pontifex Maximus claims succession to Christ