The month of July was unprecedented! An assassination attempt in the US led to outrage and disbelief towards the violence. Meanwhile, funding for wars escalated and the war-drums beat on. This is hypocrisy!
Several reports were released acknowledging an epidemic of child abuse. New Zealand and the US both report that state and faith-based care facilities brought children and their abusers together.
The weather was again at the top of the list for causing tribulation across the globe. The planet broke a modern-age temperature record two days in a row, with multiple cities surpassing 120F!
The following map is a summary of current events related to prophecy. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant Scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic, pointing to a future time, and that time is now.
A ‘mass grave’ is a grave that contains multiple human corpses, which may or may not be identified prior to burial. Several mass graves of unidentified corpses have been uncovered recently that the makers thereof would prefer to stay buried. These are from different continents, but the perpetrators have everything in common.
Mass Grave Uncovered in Canada
5/29/21 – KAMLOOPS, British Columbia — A mass grave containing the remains of 215 children, some as young as 3 years old, has been found on the site of what was once Canada’s largest Indigenous residential school. The school is one of the institutions that held Indigenous children taken from families across the nation.
From the 19th century until the 1970s, more than 150,000 First Nations children were required to attend state-funded Catholic schools as part of a program to assimilate them into Canadian society. They were forced to convert to ‘Christianity’ and not allowed to speak their native languages. Many were beaten and verbally abused, and up to 6,000 are said to have died.
The Canadian government apologized in Parliament in 2008 and admitted that physical and sexual abuse in the schools was rampant. A report more than five years ago by a Truth and Reconciliation Commission said at least 3,200 children had died amid abuse and neglect.
“Pope” Francis is up to the church’s old tricks. Deflect and distract. Every day for the month of October, he has asked “the faithful” to pray the rosary and to pray to Michael the Archangel. What are they praying for? In response to the ever-expanding abuse scandal, Francis has asked them to pray “to repel the attacks of the Devil who wants to divide the Church.” During a morning mass in September, Francis addressed exactly what these attacks against the church were.
“In these times, it seems like the Great Accuser has been unchained and is attacking bishops. True, we are all sinners, we bishops. He tries to uncover the sins, so they are visible in order to scandalize the people. Let us pray, today, for our bishops: for me, for those who are here, and for all the bishops throughout the world.” Francis
The Religious section of the News used to tell of services provided and charitable deeds of congregants. But now, nothing but scandal, war stories, child abuse/rape, suicide bombings, financial embezzlement, money laundering, idolatry, LGBT parades, protests, disputes, intolerance, discrimination, deception, death and the general ‘moral failure’ of the leaders of all religious institutions. None do good, no not one!
The Wages of Sin…
“Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” Rom 1:32
Many articles begin by pointing out that the Vatican is “reeling” from all the scandalous behavior being revealed by their clergy in years past. Deception: The hierarchy has said all along they didn’t know anything about it, but the fact is that it has been common knowledge among the hierarchy who has covered it all up and shuffled pedophile priests around the globe. You can only sweep so much under the carpet before the lumps become visible or you can smell the stink. Now stories of the highly placed Theodore Cardinal McCarrick’s (of Washington DC) sexual abuse is “sending waves of horror through the Church.” The pope knew all about it! He happens to be a fellow Jesuit with the pope who once said proudly that his colleagues in the church are “word-smiths.” What did he mean by that?
Disgraced Cardinal McCarrick with President George W. Bush and Supreme Court Justice John Roberts at the annual “Red Mass” for judges, lawyers, law school professors, law students and government officials.
Patrick Conroy, a Jesuit Catholic, has been sworn back into office this week as the US House Chaplain after a couple of turbulent weeks. Paul Ryan met significant criticism from the Catholic members of Congress after asking for Conroy’s resignation in April. Initially, Conroy conceded and he turned in a resignation letter. Conroy rescinded his letter last week after receiving significant support from Nancy Pelosi and others. His on-again, off-again position in this role has brought the House Chaplain role to the front pages. What is this role all about and who is Patrick Conroy? The findings are alarming and full of hypocrisy!