
Prophecy Monthly – November 2023

November news headlines continued to be dominated by the War in the Middle East. The Israel-Hamas conflict had a momentary ceasefire only to erupt again. Protests around the world continued to show the divisions between governments and populations when it comes to the Middle East War. In other news; earthquakes and volcanic eruptions increased worldwide as the sun advances toward solar maximum. Lastly a gathering of World Leaders in San Francisco highlighted the hypocrisy of both governments and the media.

The following map is a summary of current events related to prophecy. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant Scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic, pointing to a future time, and that time is now.

Prophecy Monthly – September 2023

September was a pivotal month across several fronts. Another US state rolled out a trial Digital Drivers License and the G-20 gathering of nations approved a global alliance on digital public infrastructure. September 16th marked ‘International Identification Day’ to promote ID cards for all. These are all steps toward the prophesied ‘Mark of the Beast’.

Also prophesied is the sound of a Trumpet to warn against these developments. That just happened with the launch of The Firmament Podcast! You can watch all episodes here to learn about God’s Word, current events and prophecy.

The following map is a summary of current events related to prophecy. Below the map you will find the event details and relevant Scriptural references. Many people have been taught God’s Word in the past tense. This is incorrect. The teachings and scenarios in the Bible and God’s Word are all prophetic, pointing to a future time, and that time is now.

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