health care

Response to 2023 State of the Union

What words would you use to describe the message given during Biden’s State of the Union speech? He would like it to have been a message of optimism and strength, jobs and democracy. But to many watching the ‘show’, the message of chaos, confusion, division and crisis is much more appropriate. Not just from the words, but from the interactions.

A World in Crisis

Biden sauntered into his speech by declaring America is the ‘only country that has emerged from every crisis stronger’, and that ‘that‘s what we’re doing again’ referring to the COVID-19 pandemic. But this isn’t the only crisis he acknowledged on Tuesday. From here Biden covered the debt crisis, the climate crisis even calling it an existential threat, the mental health crisis, the opioid and fentanyl crisis, violence in America and abroad, food insecurity on a worldwide scale and unbearable healthcare costs.

Health Care or Wealth Care?

Leading Cause of Death in America

The American “health care” system is the leading cause of death and injury in the US. 1.6 trillion dollars was spent in 2003 by the American medical system, but rather than using that money to prevent diseases, it was spent on unnecessary medical practices such as cesarean sections, chemotherapy, antibiotics, and invasive surgical procedures that put patients at a higher risk of mortality and morbidity. Conventional medicine does not consider what is necessary for the human body to heal. American hospitals harbor every aspect that leads to disease rather than health. The environment in hospitals causes immense stress which adversely affects the immune system. Patients are bound to a bed in a small room, getting insufficient exercise with no natural sunlight or fresh air. Rather than feed patients with organic healing foods that would nourish and cure their bodies, they are fed highly processed, denatured foods grown in denatured and chemically damaged soil, and excessive calories high in sugar with little to no vitamins or nutrients. Patients are also exposed to tens of thousands of environmental toxins, so if they visit a hospital with one ailment they are at risk of contracting ten others. This so-called “health care” industry has little concern for health, which would prevent people from needing care in the first place. It is a trillion-dollar industry that has gained immense wealth from unhealthy people. American hospitals “cause more illness through medical technology, diagnostic testing, overuse of medical and surgical procedures, and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs.” ( – death by medicine )

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