This article will answer the question of “Apostolic Succession,” what it is, who has claimed it for themselves, and to whom it rightfully belongs.
Jesus warned to watch out for “false prophets/teachers who come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.” The Book of Revelation states that the “whole world” has been deceived by a certain religious entity who is the “Mother” of them all. Let’s take a closer look at this and see what it all means.
Roman Pontifex Maximus claims succession to Christ
This year marks the 242nd anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The founding fathers were fed up with King George of England and his tyrannical way of governing the English colonies from “across the pond.” To declare independence was a treasonous act against George but it proved to be a courageous act for the benefit of America and Liberty and Justice was proclaimed to the captives!
Declaration Committee: Thomas Jefferson, John Adams Benjamin Franklin, Robert Livingston and Roger Sherman
High Cost of Celebration
Since then, the country goes into overdrive to celebrate this day in history with parades, band concerts, bar-b-ques and fireworks. According to the National Retail Federation, Americans will spend more than $7 billion on cookouts and other celebrations. All done without a thought to those who risked their lives for the freedom to do so.
In the recently published Guardian’s list of the 100 best non-fiction books, the King James Bible comes in right under the wire at the 100 spot! Amazing! The English-speaking, Anglo-Saxon peoples on both sides of the pond are enamored with the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible. And why not? It’s their heritage! In fact the Bible is the best-selling and most widely distributed book of all time. Jerome’s Catholic Vulgate version was the first to be printed on the Gutenberg printing press introduced into the “Holy Roman Empire” around 1440 AD. It actually put the axe to the roots of Roman Catholicism since it has nothing to do with idolatrous Rome. The authorized King James Version was published in 1611 AD addressed to God’s people, the descendants of Israel. Many people have lost their lives and had unspeakable things done to them (i.e. The Inquisition) over this book throughout history.
Catholic priests burning the books of the Cathari
The article states: “The first New England settlements always championed the use of the Geneva Bible, a text that appealed to separatist congregations. However, by a remarkable paradox, towards the end of the 17th century, the King James Bible had come to be treasured as much by Americans as by the British.”
To hear the complete story of how the English Bible came to be, click here for an informative video presented by The Firmament titled, “Origins of the Bible.” …
As of 2005 54% (3.6 billion people) of the world’s population considered themselves adherents of an “Abrahamic religion.” Christianity being the largest at 33%, Islam second at 21% and Judaism at 0.02%. All “Abrahamic religions” claim a direct lineage to the Biblical Patriarch, Abraham.
Jesus said, If you are the children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. So let’s see how well connected these “religions” really are to Abraham!
The Friday before “Easter” is celebrated in religious tradition as the day when Y’hoshua (Jesus) was crucified and placed in the tomb. The day is called “Good Friday”. It is difficult to imagine what sort of mindset would identify the day Y’hoshua was murdered as “Good.” Some claim that the term “Good” simply means “pious” or “holy” but again, what is holy or pious about the day the “Son of God” was murdered? Do you think that God considers the day his Son was killed to be Good?
Roman Catholic doctrine considers Jesus to be God incarnate. It is even more absurd to think that men not only killed God but celebrate the deed. What kind of god can be killed by his own creation? Consider what happened to those who sought to kill God at the Tower of Babel.