
The Evolution of Halloween and the Day of the Dead

Ancient Doctrines on the Resurrection

The Resurrection from the dead is the concept of coming back to life after death. It is a doctrine of the dead!

Many ancient cultures including Egypt and Babylon obsess over the dead and their funerary practices! They sacrifice to the dead, commune with and seek to for protection and favors.  Their practices include veneration to and worship of the dead.  With repetitious prayers, they cry out to and petition the dead thinking they’ll be heard. Some even cut and paint themselves in remembrance of the dead. Their gods must be out to lunch or asleep because they never respond!

Apostles Refute the Apostles’ Creed

The Apostles Creed is recited across many of the “Christian” religions.  This creed is a “statement of faith” often used as part of baptismal ceremonies.  In the previous article on this subject, we showed that the apostles themselves would not even know the Apostles Creed.  It was fabricated three hundred years after Jesus and the Apostles under the influence of Babylonian, Greek, and Roman worship practices.  These practices are contrary to God’s Word.

Let’s look more closely at this creed and at what Jesus and the Apostles themselves had to say.  To begin, what exactly is the creed?

Not The Apostles Creed

The Apostles Creed is recognizable to most “Christians” in the world.

Does this sound familiar?

“I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.  I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary…”

The creed is recited as part of the Roman Catholic Mass and baptism.  The Episcopalians, Lutherans and Methodists also recite the creed as part of their baptism rituals.  It may come as a surprise to the laity in the Protestant branches of Christianity to learn that Catholics recite the Apostles Creed and vice versa.  Why?  Because the Apostles Creed is a “statement of faith” and these different religions are taught that their religion is the correct religion, yet they all have the same “statement of faith.”  Even more surprising is that this creed cannot be found in the Bible or in any other writings by the Apostles.  So, where did it come from?

Apostolic Succession

This article will answer the question of “Apostolic Succession,” what it is, who has claimed it for themselves, and to whom it rightfully belongs.

Jesus warned to watch out for “false prophets/teachers who come to you as wolves in sheep’s clothing.” The Book of Revelation states that the “whole world” has been deceived by a certain religious entity who is the “Mother” of them all. Let’s take a closer look at this and see what it all means.

Roman Pontifex Maximus claims succession to Christ

Can You Spy a False Prophet?

Jesus and the Apostles warned often of “false prophets.”  In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses spoke of false prophets.  Who were they talking about?  Meanwhile, there are legitimate prophets like Moses, Jesus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, the Apostles and many more.  What is a prophet and how can you tell a false prophet apart from the one you should actually listen to?  Let’s take a look.

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