Lost Sheep of Israel

Jezebel – Influential over the Governing Powers

Jezebel, the False Prophetess

Jezebel, described in the Book of Revelation by Jesus as: “that woman which calls herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols…” Even though Jezebel was a woman who existed many years before Christ, she was a shadow of an entity he prophesied to come. One who “commits fornication with the kings or rulers of the earth.” (Revelation 17 & 18) “How much she has glorified herself… for she says in her heart, I sit a queen… I shall see no sorrow.” Just as Jezebel had an army of the “Prophets of Baal,” this one also has an army of priests and prophets who do her bidding, serve and “eat at her table.”

Priests of the Virgin Mother-Goddess
Priests of Baal and Ashtoreth

Chaos and Confusion – A Sign of the Times

Oh what a time of pure chaos and confusion! This day for instance, Ash Wednesday, a day of “penance and prayer” for “Christians” to remember their mortality because after all: “from dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return” Coincidentally, it happens to land on Valentine’s Day, a day of indulgent love and sexual rituals with all the candy, surf and turf, cakes and goodies and wine you can eat and drink. What a contradiction! What are you gonna do? The Lenten period is supposed to be a time of penance, abstinence and fasting. The truth of the matter is that it’s all worthless paganism! Just leave it alone.

Paganism - the source of confusion
Ash Wednesday penitents – paganism – a source of confusion

Why does God allow so much Evil in the World?

Jesus said, “I have not come but for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” How did these sheep become lost? And why can’t religious leaders who profess to know God answer this question?  The prophet Isaiah says, “If they don’t speak according to His Word, it’s because there is no light in them.” Beware of false prophets! “My people have been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray…”

Shepherds Lead the Flock Astray

The following video looks at the tradition of the Christmas Tree and it being commanded against even before the time of Jesus. Religious leaders (the shepherds) don’t teach the people (the sheep) that this ancient tradition is evil to God according to His Word.

All we, Like Sheep… Isaiah 53:6

Truly “Ignorance of God is the greatest evil!” and the “reverence of God is the beginning of knowledge…” If your religious leaders are promoting a tradition that is Evil to God, they are ignorant of God and have no real reverence for Him!

God has given a time limit for evil to abide and that time is up! Now is the time to seek Him while He may be found.

“God is Not the God of the Dead”

Halloween and the Days of the Dead

Halloween (“Holy Eve”), All Soul’s Day, All Saint’s Day and the Day of the Dead will be here shortly. But what are the roots of these special Days of the Dead? When we trace them all the way back to their origin, we find they came from ancient Egypt when the people were caused to worship and make sacrifices to their dead Pharaoh, their “Commander-in-chief”. The name translated ‘Egypt’ in the Bible is actually ‘Mitzraim’ which was one of the sons of Noah’s son, Ham. His other sons were Canaan, Cush and Phut. All these are the root of oppression, false religions upon the earth. Starting from their departure from the Ark of Noah, they all united under Nimrod, Cush’a son.

The Evolution of Halloween and the Day of the Dead – Exposing the Roots

Madness of Mind – Another Mass Shooting

The Earth is filled with Violence…

Jesus said, “Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with …the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you in unawareness. For as a snare it will come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.  Watch therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Adam.” In Matthew 24:21 he says the end time will be a time of Tribulation not seen since the beginning of the world unto this time nor ever shall be again.

In the Book of Deuteronomy 4:29-31, Moses says when you see these things happening, “If from there you shall seek the LORD your God, you shall find Him, if you seek Him with all your heart and with all your soul. When you are in tribulation, and all these things are come upon you, even in the latter days, if you turn to the LORD your God and will be obedient to His voice; (For the LORD your God is a merciful God;) He will not forsake you, neither destroy you, nor forget the Covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.”

Tribulation by Charlie Daniels

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