
The Apocalypse – Doomsday Update

The so-called Doomsday Clock was scheduled to change this day, January 20,2022. But it appears time is standing still.

“…the Doomsday Clock remains the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse because the world remains stuck in an extremely dangerous moment.”

Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said the clock “continues to hover dangerously, reminding us about how much work is needed to be done to ensure a safer and healthier planet. We must continue to push the hands of the clock away from midnight.”

Doomsday clock at 100 seconds to midnight…

Time Stands Still

The clock has been stuck at 100 seconds for three years in a row now. 100 ÷ 60 = 1.666 minutes! Interestingly the ‘Mark of the Beast’, which is identified by the number ‘666’, is in the process of being implemented. One will not be able to ‘buy nor sell’ without it. It is the fulfillment of prophecy! But no one can turn back time! Man does not have it in his power to stop what’s coming….

Announcing the Day of the Lord

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God…”
1 Thessalonians 4:16

The Apocalypse according to Google is: “the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical Book of Revelation.” But this is misinformation!

2021 – The Year of the Cathars

Seven hundred years ago, in the year 1321, a man identified as the last of the Cathars, was interrogated in the Inquisition and burnt at the stake after he proclaimed a prophecy. That prophecy pertained to the year 2021 when he said, “We shall return in 700 years…” Is it being fulfilled? Take a look…

The Albigensian Crusade (1209–29) was called for by Pope Innocent III against the Cathars, a community in the south of France, whom the Roman Catholic Church had branded heretical. The war pitted the nobility of staunchly Catholic northern France against that of the south.

For all of its violence and destruction, the Albigensian Crusade failed to remove the Cathar heresy from Languedoc. It did, however, provide a solid framework of new secular governors willing to work with the church against the heretics. They were promised indulgences and whatever property or belongings they could confiscate. Through the subsequent efforts of the Inquisition, established by the papacy to try heretics, Catharism was virtually eliminated in Languedoc within a century. Many false accusations were made against them. ‘Cathar’ means purified, same as the ‘Puritans.’ They were also known as the Albigensians for the area of Albi where they lived.

Cathar country in Southern France
Marseilles, Albi, and Beziers in the Languedoc, South of France

The Numbering of Man – QR Code

IBM Punch Card
used for data collection during the Holocaust

During this global frenzy to get vaccinated, remembering the past will help to make an informed decision regarding the future. There is currently an implementation of assigning QR codes to patients in association with their COVID-19 vaccine shots. What could be the downfall to this and how could it be misused?

April 4th – the 11th, 2021 was Holocaust Remembrance week according to the US Congress. History clearly shows how codes were used to identify people from 1933 to 1945. The numbering and categorization of humans became so efficient that it resulted in a blitzkrieg genocide throughout Europe.

The Great Reset – The New Age of Aquarius 2020

The Age of Aquarius is the great reset of heaven when “heaven and earth” as we have known pass away and a new heaven and a new earth appear. Since the sixties we have heard of the “dawning of the Age of Aquarius.” What does that mean? As the heavens slowly move through the vast universe, it changes. This change is due to the precession of the equinoxes. From an earthly perspective, the heavens rotate backwards.

The Constellation of Aquarius

A Momentous Occasion – 400-Year Anniversary

It is indeed a momentous occasion for America. Four hundred years ago, on November 11, 1620, the Pilgrims came ashore on land. That is now in Provincetown on Cape Cod. The Pilgrims’ story is a central theme in the history and culture of the United States of America. The Pilgrim Fathers were that band of Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

A pilgrim is defined a person who journeys a long distance to some sacred place as an act of devotion. They were escaping religious persecution and going to the Promised Land.

The Pilgrims Landing

“PROVINCETOWN – The year 1620 is etched in the annals of world history. It is the year a group of English settlers known as the Pilgrims seeking religious freedom boarded their ship, Mayflower. They braved a hazardous trip across the Atlantic Ocean to establish a new home.”

Plymouth Rock etched with the year 1620
Plymouth Rock – 1620

Seeing this date etched in Plymouth Rock is like seeing the writing on the Wall. “Mene, mene, teckel, upharsin” in the time of Daniel spelled the end for the Babylonian king and the end of the Babylonian captivity. It marks an especially important date for the people of God.

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