
Valentine’s Day

heart - Valentine's Day

Have you ever wondered what Valentine’s day is all about? Who is Valentine? Why is this considered a “holy” day? Why do people feel the need to purchase billions of dollars’ worth of gifts annually to show their love for one another?  Who is Cupid? What is the significance of the arrow? Why do we associate a naked little boy with “love”?

Origin of Valentine’s day

The practice of Valentine’s day originated in Rome with the feast of Lupercalia.  This was the fertility celebration named for Lupa, the she-wolf who suckled the founders of Rome.  In this fertility worship practice, inebriated males sacrifice a goat to Venus, wear it’s skin and go through town whipping women with a short strip of leather dipped in blood to promote fertility.

Respect the Authority of God

A government or president that keeps the Commandments, statutes and Laws of God deserves respect.   They would have authority with God. Corrupt governments and leaders propped up by wealth, weapons and power do not deserve respect.  They only achieve it through fear and threat.  Knowing this, these powers enlist false teachers to convince you that you should submit to authority and that failure to do so will result in tragedy and social unrest. The fact is, corrupt governments and leaders are the cause.

Pat Robertson recently stated the following regarding the shootings in Las Vegas:

“Violence in the streets, ladies and gentlemen. Why is it happening? The fact that we have disrespect for authority; there is profound disrespect for our president, all across this nation they say terrible things about him. It’s in the news, it’s in other places. There is disrespect now for our national anthem, disrespect for our veterans, disrespect for the institutions of our government, disrespect for the court system. All the way up and down the line, disrespect.”

In The Beginning … God Didn’t Have a Mother!

In the Beginning…

In the beginning, God destroyed the earth by water because of their worship practices, oppression and violence.  Soon after the flood, Nimrod – King of Babylon began to deify himself and to do the worship practices that were taking place before the flood.  When Abraham saw what was happening he said: “Woe to my father and this wicked generation, whose hearts are all inclined to vanity, who serve these idols of wood and stone which can neither eat, smell, hear nor speak, who have mouths without speech, eyes without sight, ears without hearing, hands without feeling, and legs which cannot move; like them are those that made them and that trust in them.” (Jasher 11:32)

The Image of the Beast! – Nimrod

As of 2005 54% (3.6 billion people) of the world’s population considered themselves adherents of an “Abrahamic religion.” Christianity being the largest at 33%, Islam second at 21% and Judaism at 0.02%. All “Abrahamic religions” claim a direct lineage to the Biblical Patriarch, Abraham.

Jesus said, If you are the children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham. So let’s see how well connected these “religions” really are to Abraham!

Abraham counting the stars. Gen 15:5

The Cry, by White Heart

Flesh & Blood, or Cracker & Grape Juice?

The Eucharist (i.e. Communion) is a ritual, which has been performed in religious masses all over the world for millennia.  The ritualistic rite of eating a cracker and drinking wine has been practiced since Babylon under the rule of Nimrod, King of Babylon.  In the Vatican, the Pope now wears that same crown of “Mystery, Babylon the Great” and holds, “a golden cup in her hand, making all nations drunk with the wine of her fornication” (Rev 17:2-5, 18:3).

Man shall not live by bread alone

Catholics and many religious sects are told that priests have the power to transform a cracker and wine into the flesh and blood of Jesus.  Protestants practice the same ritual but believe that the bread and wine are a symbol of Jesus.  Yet, the very man they think they’re reverencing by eating a piece of bread said:

“It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4

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