“Mene, Mene, Tikel Upharsin” – The Writing’s on the Wall

“Mene, Mene, Tikel Upharsin.” These were the Hebrew words written on the wall in the Biblical Book of Daniel. The only one who could interpret them for Belshazzar, King of Babylon, was Daniel, a Jewish man who had been taken into captivity from Judea by Nebuchadnezzar. Before interpreting the words, Daniel reprimanded Belshazzar for not humbling himself before the God of Heaven. He had in fact exalted himself against God, stolen the vessels from the Temple in Judea and was using them in his own temple to drink wine and party with his friends. Belshazzar worshiped gods/idols of gold and silver which “neither see, nor hear, nor know” anything. Therefore, God sent a hand to write on the wall before the king: “Mene. Mene, tekel, upharsin.” When the king’s “wise” men, magicians, and priests couldn’t tell him what it meant, he finally called Daniel.
This is the interpretation: …
“Mene, Mene, Tikel Upharsin” – The Writing’s on the WallRead More »