
A Momentous Occasion – 400-Year Anniversary

It is indeed a momentous occasion for America. Four hundred years ago, on November 11, 1620, the Pilgrims came ashore on land. That is now in Provincetown on Cape Cod. The Pilgrims’ story is a central theme in the history and culture of the United States of America. The Pilgrim Fathers were that band of Puritans who founded the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

A pilgrim is defined a person who journeys a long distance to some sacred place as an act of devotion. They were escaping religious persecution and going to the Promised Land.

The Pilgrims Landing

“PROVINCETOWN – The year 1620 is etched in the annals of world history. It is the year a group of English settlers known as the Pilgrims seeking religious freedom boarded their ship, Mayflower. They braved a hazardous trip across the Atlantic Ocean to establish a new home.”

Plymouth Rock etched with the year 1620
Plymouth Rock – 1620

Seeing this date etched in Plymouth Rock is like seeing the writing on the Wall. “Mene, mene, teckel, upharsin” in the time of Daniel spelled the end for the Babylonian king and the end of the Babylonian captivity. It marks an especially important date for the people of God.

The Harvest is at the End…

The Feast of Harvest, the ingathering of the Firstfruits into the House of God has begun at sunset which is at 6:49 PM, October 2, 2020. The full moon in harvest time is so called the Harvest Moon because it rises as the sun sets and gives light to the reapers all night long. Then as the moon goes down, the sun begins to rise.

The Full Harvest Moon
The Harvest Moon

Now hear the Word of the LORD! At the time of the Harvest, the Light of the Moon will be as the Light of the Sun…

“Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in THE DAY that the LORD binds up the breach of His people and heals the stroke of their wound.”

Isaiah 30:26

Jesus told a parable of the harvest of the ‘Wheat and the Tares’. When he had finished and everyone went home, his disciples came and asked him to explain it to them. Here’s what he said:

“The harvest is the end of the world…”

Jesus, The Gospel of Matthew 13:24-30, 34-43

The Pentecost and the Promise of God

This is a day celebrated by both the ‘Jews’ and the ‘Christians’ only in different ways. This being one of the feasts ordained by God for the children of Israel to observe throughout their generations. It marks the fiftieth day (7 weeks plus one day) after the Passover or Exodus of Israel out of Egypt. It is in commemoration of the day Moses received the Tablets of the Law. This was to establish the Covenant between God and Israel. The Feast of Weeks or Shavuot and to bring in the firstfruits of the harvest.

By some, May 31, 2020 will be celebrated as the Pentecost (the Greek word for fifty). Is it just a day to go to church and pay your tithe or is there something else there hidden from view? What is the significance?

Others, from the evenings of May 28 to May 30 will be celebrating the “Feast of Weeks.” It also commemorates the Feast of the Firstfruits when the firstfruits of the wheat harvest were to be brought before God in thanksgiving. Is it just a harvest or tithe of wheat? Is it a time to eat cheese? Or is there something hidden from view? What is the significance?

Moses with the Tablets of the Law, the Ten Commandments, the Covenant between God and Israel

Time of the Feast of Weeks

Spring Wheat

God calls for three feast times during a year. May 31st, 2020 is the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. Last month we looked at Passover and the associated Feast of Unleavened bread.  We learned about the shadows that are contained within these Holy Days and the time of their occurrence.  The detailed instructions of those occasions are actually prophecies of events that happened at the time of Y’hoshua (Jesus) as well as right now!  Could the same be true for the ‘Feast of Weeks?’  Absolutely!

As a refresher, one aspect of Passover is the connection to the time of the Sabbath in God’s time.  The menorah represents that seven-fold light of time, Y’hoshua is shadowed in the center shaft or vine in both his role as the Passover lamb and the time in history when he was alive.

The Firstfruits

God told Moses to speak to the children of Israel concerning His feasts:

In the fourteenth day of the first month at evening is the Lord’s Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days you must eat unleavened bread. … When you are come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest.”

Leviticus 23:5-10
parable of wheat
“…but gather the wheat into my barn…” Parable of the Wheat and the Tares” Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Does God require that you bring the first stalks of wheat that come out of your garden?  What if you can’t grow wheat?  Does that make you unacceptable? This seems silly.  There must be more to this than what’s on the surface.  Let’s take a look at other places in God’s word to see if we can gain a better understanding of what’s being said here…

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