
Are Your “Biblical” Beliefs in the Bible?

Many have come in God’s authority and have deceived the majority. This has been prophesied in God’s Word, the Bible, to come upon the world from the very beginning to the end.

Just as Eve was deceived by the serpent, so it says in the last book of the Bible, that “Old Serpent” has deceived the whole world. (Gen 3:13; Rev 12:9)

Let’s begin by looking at just a few things that have been said by God’s Son and His servants, the Prophets in His Word.

“Many shall come in My Name”

Jesus/Y’hoshua was asked by his disciples, what would be the signs of the end of the age. He answered them and said:

Waiting for Rapture? You’re still here!

What is the doctrine of Rapture?

The idea of Rapture is NOT in the Bible! “According to some millenarian teaching, it is the “transport” of a “believer” from earth to heaven at the Second Coming of Christ.” They actually purport that “the chosen” will be lifted up bodily into the sky, leaving nothing but a pile of clothes behind.

Many characters in Roman mythology, including the Roman progenitor, Aeneas, have been lifted up bodily into heaven. He is recognized by them as the god, Jupiter, from whom they got the Black Madonna.  Millenarianism itself is actually based in Zoroastrianism which is an ancient pagan, Persian religion.

Bodily lift into Heaven
Belief in “Rapture”

Can You Spy a False Prophet?

Jesus and the Apostles warned often of “false prophets.”  In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses spoke of false prophets.  Who were they talking about?  Meanwhile, there are legitimate prophets like Moses, Jesus, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, the Apostles and many more.  What is a prophet and how can you tell a false prophet apart from the one you should actually listen to?  Let’s take a look.

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