Roman Catholic Church

Benedict DID NOT Defrock Priests!

Rome, Italy The Vatican saw significant media coverage in January for the supposed defrocking of 400 priests by Pope Benedict during his reign in 2011 and 2012. The timing of this development was no coincident, coming just one day after the coverage of the Vatican’s hearing at the U.N. in Geneva. The Vatican attended the UN conference to face questioning regarding their handling of the sex abuse crises. At the UN hearing, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi stated that “Priests are not functionaries of the Vatican”. He continued that they “fall under the jurisdiction of their own country”.

“Bring Out Your Dead!” … Men’s Bones

Rome, Italy
The Catholic Church has gotten a lot of press this year with Francis’s more “modern” public relations campaign. While they have stepped up their attempts to relate to the technologically driven social media world, they maintain their long traditions of glorifying the dead, worshiping idols and perpetrating traditions that have NOTHING to do with God, but are against Him.

This week, the Church will put a spotlight on their pagan foundations by parading bones they “traditionally believe” to be those of Peter. This event will close the “Year of Faith” started by Ratzinger, who lost faith in his ability to be Pope back in February. The word Faith in the Catholic understanding is to “just believe” in something, for example that dead men’s bones are for “venerating”. Venerating bones is a direct violation of God’s Command against worshiping idols. To worship something is to “Give Worth”. Worshiping idols is commanded against from the beginning of God’s Word.

Jesuit as Pope

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now known as Pope Francis, has taken the lead of the Roman Catholic Church. He has been defined as a humble and charitable Pope and said to be setting an example for the rest of his organization, a scandal-ridden household. The press has made a particularly big deal about his “humble” practices when he was an Archbishop in Argentina because he “took the bus to work, kissed the feet of AIDS patients and prayed with former prostitutes”. The Vatican has also promoted his Jesuit background, an organization that takes a vow of “charity, chastity and obedience”, as a reflection of the intents of the Pope. His actions have been touted as being more inclusive to woman and other religions.

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