Sex Abuse Scandal

Francis Approves Accountability Smokescreen

Rome, Italy

On June 10th, the Vatican announced the initiation of a “new accountability process” for their organization in regards to their internal reporting and handling of bishops accused of “abuse of office” when it comes to how they handle child abusers. The process was drafted by the popes Commission for the Protection of Minors which is led by Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley. Catholic leaders and laity are calling this system a potential “breakthrough moment on an issue that has plagued the church globally”.

Cardinal Egan – Death of an Unclean and Hateful Bird

New York, NY On March 5th Retired Cardinal Egan went into cardiac arrest and died. His funeral was attended by the New York City Mayor, Governor and countless other public officials. He received much praise as the “comforter-in-chief” while in his role as the Archbishop of New York during 9/11 and is credited for reducing the Archdiocese of Bridgeport’s debt during his role as Archbishop from 1988-2000.

What the Public officials and general media have failed to remember (or chosen to forget) is Egan’s direct involvement with the sexual abuse scandal, his brash redaction of an “apology” to victims and outright statement that the church had done nothing wrong. While Archbishop of Bridgeport no less than 36 allegations of abuse were reported to the diocese, yet Egan has stated there was not “even one known case of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest throughout my tenure”.

Benedict DID NOT Defrock Priests!

Rome, Italy The Vatican saw significant media coverage in January for the supposed defrocking of 400 priests by Pope Benedict during his reign in 2011 and 2012. The timing of this development was no coincident, coming just one day after the coverage of the Vatican’s hearing at the U.N. in Geneva. The Vatican attended the UN conference to face questioning regarding their handling of the sex abuse crises. At the UN hearing, Archbishop Silvano Tomasi stated that “Priests are not functionaries of the Vatican”. He continued that they “fall under the jurisdiction of their own country”.

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