Many people are confused about who Israel really is or was. Let’s make the crooked straight! Here is the true Bible Story from Abraham to Moses, grandson of Levi.
Many years ago, the name ‘Israel’ was given to Abraham’s grandson, Jacob. His father was Isaac. Abraham and Isaac loved God and kept His Commandments. Jacob, who had the birthright, was saved by God from his brother, Esau, who wanted to kill him. He loved God and learned of Him and this is why the LORD is called the ‘God of Israel’; ‘The Mighty One of Israel’. Because these three men, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, loved God above all, promises were made to them and a Covenant was made with them.
Before Jesus left, he commanded and sent his apostles to go out and “Feed my sheep”. He had twelve apostles because there were twelve tribes of the House of Israel and he gave them the authority to go and teach.
“Three times Jesus asked Peter, ‘Do you love me?’ He said to him, ‘Lord, You know all things; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my Lambs… Feed my Sheep.’”
Jesus – John 21:17
“These twelve Jesus sent forth and commanded them, saying, ‘Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter into any city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. And as you go, preach/teach, saying, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.’”
Jesus – Matthew 10:5-7
Jesus sent his Apostles to the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” The “Lost Sheep” were scattered throughout the Roman EmpireThis map shows where the House of Israel had been scattered – From Great Britain they went on to America
Did Jesus expect his sheep to be fed of canned food drives or ‘Spiritual Food’? Crackers and grape juice or the Word of God? Many churches want to serve their flocks with community oriented activities such as musical events, fund raisers, youth meetings, day care, gyms and sports, etc. But they have not healed the sick; bound up the brokenhearted; searched for those who are lost; fed the flock; nor let them know what time it is. Consequently, they are hungry and desolate of the knowledge of the Most High God. They have forgotten Him and their restingplace.
The citizens of the nation of America would not like to consider themselves as being an idolatrous nation – but they are! You cannot expect a blessing from God when you break His Commandments. Take a look at a few major images of idolatry:
This is a day celebrated by both the ‘Jews’ and the ‘Christians’ only in different ways. This being one of the feasts ordained by God for the children of Israel to observe throughout their generations. It marks the fiftieth day (7 weeks plus one day) after the Passover or Exodus of Israel out of Egypt. It is in commemoration of the day Moses received the Tablets of the Law. This was to establish the Covenant between God and Israel. The Feast of Weeks or Shavuot and to bring in the firstfruits of the harvest.
By some, May 31, 2020 will be celebrated as the Pentecost (the Greek word for fifty). Is it just a day to go to church and pay your tithe or is there something else there hidden from view? What is the significance?
Others, from the evenings of May 28 to May 30 will be celebrating the “Feast of Weeks.” It also commemorates the Feast of the Firstfruits when the firstfruits of the wheat harvest were to be brought before God in thanksgiving. Is it just a harvest or tithe of wheat? Is it a time to eat cheese? Or is there something hidden from view? What is the significance?
Moses with the Tablets of the Law, the Ten Commandments, the Covenant between God and Israel
“You shall not be afraid of them, but shall well remember the Passover and what the LORD your God did to Pharaoh and to all Egypt… whereby the LORD your God brought you out: so shall the LORD your God do to all the people of whom you are afraid… You shall not be frightened at them, for the LORD your God is among you. A mighty God and awesome!”
Deuteronomy 7
The Plagues of Egypt
What a striking coincidence that the world is experiencing the same tribulation and darkness the Egyptians did in the time of Moses and at the Passover! And it IS the time of Passover! Which comes as an end to what has been but also as the time of a new and better beginning of what will be.