
Sodom and Gomorrah

As it was in the Days of Lot

Lot is most well known for escaping from the city of Sodom just before God burned it to the ground with fire. The Apostle Peter wrote in 2 Peter 2:4-6 that Sodom and Gomorrah were turned to ashes to make them an example for those who live ungodly. Jesus recalls this destruction of Sodom in Luke 17:28-29, and says that in the days of Lot they ate, drank, bought, sold, planted and built.

Sodom and Gomorrah are identified as an example of the ungodly throughout the Bible, from Genesis and Deuteronomy to Jude and Revelations. Many think it has something to do with your sex life, but that didn’t make the list given by Jesus in Luke 17. What was the ungodliness in the days of Lot? Is it like that today?

Is God Blessing America?

This past week was the traditional “State of the Union” speech given by the US president. The purpose of the speech is to give an overview of exactly how the US is fairing these days and lay out an agenda for the future. Trump matched past presidents by touting a great economy, the “military might” of the US and sighted his personally perceived achievements. His facts on these issues are clearly from one perspective, his. He mostly ignored what is really going on in the world and issues that affect the majority of Americans. Trump was sure to end the speech with “God Bless America!” So the question is, “Is God blessing America?”

Exposing Jesuit Influence, Past and Present

The Jesuits have a long history of involvement with governments and politics, all the way back to their very beginning.  But before we dive into this history, as a quick refresher, the previous Jesuit article looked at the current role of a Jesuit Catholic as the US House Chaplain.  He opens meetings with a prayer, conducts ceremonies and provides guidance to the members of the House.  The government purports a separation of church and state.  All the while, they fund a Jesuit to a full-time government job.  He is fully integrated into the day to day activities of the House.  This is not the first time the Jesuits have inserted themselves into the inner workings of government.  They have been expelled from multiple countries for doing so, even by the Vatican itself!

Memorial Day – Something to Remember

The meaning of “Memorial Day” is answered in this way: “An American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military.”

Many of these men and women who serve are dying because of military mandated drugs known to cause Neurotoxicity, violent rages and brain damage!

Remember the Afghanistan massacre?  Did Lariam play a role?

“A Nation in Grief” – A Time of Great Tribulation

On Wednesday, February 14th it happened to be Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and the culmination of Carnival, filled with pagan festivities. It was also Valentine’s Day, another pagan ritual. On that same afternoon a disturbed young man walked into a school and shot and killed 17 people and wounded 15 in what is now being called “one of the deadliest school shootings in modern American history.” Trump calls it a “terrible violence, hatred and evil.” In other words, Great Tribulation! “Copycat” threats are now being made to schools all around the nation. “How should one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to flight except their Rock has sold them…?” This is all Madness of Mind!

The suspect went to his former school and pulled a semi-automatic AR-15 rifle out of his backpack. This rifle is marketed as the “Crusader,” and comes with a biblical verse from Psalm of David, 144, etched in it: “”Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”

"In God we trust"
The Crusader – AR-15

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