
The Apocalypse – Doomsday Update

The so-called Doomsday Clock was scheduled to change this day, January 20,2022. But it appears time is standing still.

“…the Doomsday Clock remains the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse because the world remains stuck in an extremely dangerous moment.”

Rachel Bronson, president and CEO of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists said the clock “continues to hover dangerously, reminding us about how much work is needed to be done to ensure a safer and healthier planet. We must continue to push the hands of the clock away from midnight.”

Doomsday clock at 100 seconds to midnight…

Time Stands Still

The clock has been stuck at 100 seconds for three years in a row now. 100 ÷ 60 = 1.666 minutes! Interestingly the ‘Mark of the Beast’, which is identified by the number ‘666’, is in the process of being implemented. One will not be able to ‘buy nor sell’ without it. It is the fulfillment of prophecy! But no one can turn back time! Man does not have it in his power to stop what’s coming….

Announcing the Day of the Lord

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God…”
1 Thessalonians 4:16

The Apocalypse according to Google is: “the complete final destruction of the world, as described in the biblical Book of Revelation.” But this is misinformation!

Christmas – The Christ Mass

The Christmas Season has once again, come upon the earth.  This is the annual period of festivities centered around the winter solstice and the birth of the Sun… or Son as it is now taught. If the purpose of this ‘holy’ day is to celebrate the supposed day of Jesus’ birth why isn’t this day simply called Christ’s Birthday.  Why is it instead called Christmas?  Learn where this term comes from and why it matters.

The Pope and the Ustashi

“In the annals of wartime savagery against the Jews, there was no group as sadistic as the Croatian Ustashi.”

IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black, © 2001

The Vatican aided and abetted the most sadistic murderers of WWII, the Croatian Ustashi and their leader Ante Pavelic. Following Hitler’s invasion of Yugoslavia, the Catholic Croats of the Ustaše rose up against the Jews and Orthodox Christian Serbs. The church saw the situation in Croatia as an opportunity to spread Catholicism in the Balkans. Pope Pius XII personally met with Ante Pavelic, and supported his efforts to eliminate Jews and Orthodox Serbs.

“Like the Nazis, the Ustaše/Ustashi deemed Jews, Romani, and Slavs to be sub-humans. They endorsed the claims from German racial theorists that Croats were not Slavs but a Germanic race. Their genocides against Serbs, against Jews, and against Romani were thus expressions of Nazi racial ideology”


The Vatican’s support for the Catholic Croatian Ustashi was ongoing throughout the Holocaust. It began with a public endorsement by Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) in 1939. Before the genocide of Serbs and Jews began, Pacelli colluded with the Archbishop of Croatia, Alojzije Stepinac and with the Croatian fascist leader Ante Pavelic. After the war, the Vatican helped hide Pavelic and his officers of the Ustasan Army. The church then arranged for the fugitives’ safe passage through their ratline to evade justice.

Francis Approves Accountability Smokescreen

Rome, Italy

On June 10th, the Vatican announced the initiation of a “new accountability process” for their organization in regards to their internal reporting and handling of bishops accused of “abuse of office” when it comes to how they handle child abusers. The process was drafted by the popes Commission for the Protection of Minors which is led by Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley. Catholic leaders and laity are calling this system a potential “breakthrough moment on an issue that has plagued the church globally”.

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